Example sentences of "[pers pn] [pron] [vb mod] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , if you do n't feel you want to cooperate with me I shall be justified in going ahead with my job and in leaving you free to act in any way you think fit . ’
2 I 'm in the middle of the kiss before it occurs to me I might be dreaming , but I know immediately I 'm not .
3 He ai n't , he 's pissed off , you wo n't catch me I 'll be gone , I mean ee ah what you doing I have n't got no petrol to fucking , drive round the town you cunt
4 I was interviewed by the Sudan Agent in London who gave me lunch at his club , and told me I would be called before a selection board when I came down from Oxford .
5 ‘ I knew if you made love to me I 'd be lost … drowning … beyond help . ’
6 but , and she 's so quiet , Pauline is , if it was me I 'd be climbing the walls !
7 The assistant governor [ AG ] who I saw four days after I got into prison told me I 'd be going to Cookham Wood or Bullwood Hall in two to three weeks .
8 when she goes out for a meal she 's got a problem , now if that was me I 'd be having loads of big ones
9 ‘ If you need me I can be contacted on the phone .
10 While you are seeking me I will be found .
11 Marvellous acupuncture , then shop at Selfridges for anti-wrinkle cream with liposomes , which flawless friend , Julia McKenzie tells me I should be using , ‘ by now ’ .
12 I looked at her with affection and Tremayne patted my shoulder and told them I would be staying on as arranged to write his book .
13 Yes , you can tell them I 'll be speaking to my mother as soon as she gets back , tonight .
14 I find that quite incredible , if it 's true erm if it 's true then it 's a very serious allegation which Labour is making against the officers in social services department and I imagine that if er , that if those numbers are proven then er I I shall be looking I shall be looking for scalps because I have been , I would have been , so would the Liberal party and so would the Labour party , have been wrongly informed .
15 No , I 'm just trying to work out how long I 'm gon na be practising for West Side Story tomorrow because you might have to take my money my pocket money tomorrow I might not be able to get like home , sort of cos er I I might be practising till bloody six o'clock for all I know so I 'll get some chips or something .
16 As as I see it er it 's and I I may be corrected on this , Professor Lock 's hypothesis is that we over-provide land and then limit release once an
17 Only , to say that I I I would be opposed because I believe you should delegate to committees to run their affairs and their resources in the way they want to .
18 Oh , I expect I I 'd be persuaded to do so .
19 ‘ Yes , yer can tell 'er I 'll be callin' on 'er tomorra .
20 Even I itself can be factorised in a variety of ways ; as one example , if J is the square matrix which has units in its secondary diagonal and zeros elsewhere , which we shall call the reversing matrix , then
21 And erm I I I find it I mean I 'm not going to be sort of holier than thou about it all I mean , perhaps I myself might be tempted er one day .
22 I myself will be interviewing from tomorrow along with Spencer and Willis . ’
23 Giving her reasons for that the mother said that she wished access to be resumed at some point in the future , that D remembered her as the natural mother , and there was a bond between them which would be cut off or damaged by adoption .
24 They can be teamed up with an additional pair of short curtains hanging above them which would be drawn at night , thus giving a tiered effect .
25 But they reaped no advantage ; there was nothing moving towards them which could be deemed to be a consideration , with the result that the case is one in which the contract is made , but remains unenforceable in law … .
26 Others possess cultures of phosphorescent bacteria in special organs with flaps of skin over them which can be moved to expose or conceal the bacteria in a series of winks and flashes .
27 The reforms which might be expected from this theoretical starting-point are moves towards market mechanisms or some surrogate for them which can be used both to influence the behaviour of bureaucrats by giving them a different set of incentives , and to increase the range of choice available to the consumers of public — in this case particularly local government — services .
28 Because occupants can not be trusted to conserve fuel , liberties of theirs which may be infringed against by centralisation of control are dismissible since they are liberties to do mischief .
29 If you believe in me you shall be saved !
30 Within days of helping me you would be transferred back to the hospital wing of Vladimir , within a few months you would be home … think on it .
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