Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] if he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I did see him , though , standing , looking after me as if he 'd been struck , very quiet , very separate .
2 The last time I had seen him , on the night of the fire , he had held my hands , told me I had saved his life , and looked at me as if he loved me .
3 He pulled me to my feet , and flung his arms around me and squeezed me as if he wanted to gather me right into himself , never let me go , and we stayed like that for a long time , not speaking , rocking to and fro .
4 He was treating her as if he knew her , as if he cared what she thought , and she could n't even get her face under control .
5 He flashed a glittering glance at her as if he felt her eyes on him and his gaze ran slowly over her face .
6 Roman dropped his arm from her shoulders , faced her as if he 'd just returned , mentally , from some distant place .
7 Alain had rescued her as if he cared what became of her , and she supposed he had to , anyway ; she was , as he had said , his responsibility .
8 Her father glared at her as if he suspected her of having the whole thing arranged behind his back .
9 His hand clasped warmly around hers , detaining her as if he did n't want her to go .
10 When he came , it was an anticlimax , but she squealed anyway and clung to him as if he 'd showered her with a gallon of spunk .
11 Down in the hold he 'd cracked his shins on the bumper of a small green car and she 'd laughed at his face and kissed him as if he 'd been a kid and for a moment he was thirteen and being hugged by Dave 's big sister , who was certainly large and confusing to thirteen year olds .
12 Rayleen looked at him as if he 'd dropped from behind peeling wallpaper .
13 The boy was still looking round him as if he expected someone to come .
14 After his visits to London his wife was waiting to welcome him as if he had been away for weeks , and she was always dutiful in bed .
15 Mrs Stych opened her eyes slowly and looked at him as if he had gone mad .
16 His shirt had been as cleanly stripped from him as if he had never been wearing it , although his skin appeared uninjured .
17 She flinched away from him as if he had raised his hand .
18 And here they were , nearly twenty-odd children , gaping back at him as if he had just asked them to run through the periodic table .
19 Blanche looked at him as if he needed urgent psychiatric treatment .
20 ’ But the slit-eyes looked through him as if he did not exist .
21 He smiles a lot , talks to himself and uses a tennis court like an officer patrolling it , owning it and thumping around it as if he has n't a care in the world .
22 His dark eyes met hers as if he felt her surreptitious appraisal , and she found herself at the receiving end of that long , sardonic smile .
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