Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] given [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Only the day before , you came barging into the flat , insinuating that I 'd given information to Richard Blake .
2 And now I 've given way to my emotions when I swore to my father I never would .
3 I have given instructions to Brian Lewis that if members of staff are found trying to abuse this facility he should switch off the lift system entirety .
4 She has given voice to those who thought that previous Conservative governments had been too tolerant or ‘ defeatist ’ about the unions , the welfare state , high taxation , and public spending , and too accommodating to other countries , particularly in the European Community and the Commonwealth .
5 She remembered how helplessly she 'd given way to Jake 's madness on Starr Hills .
6 If you 've given thought to them and excluded them , that 's fine as long as you 've made it clear .
7 Broadcast on November 23rd , 1982 , the Play for Today , ‘ John David ’ was meticulously balanced in its depiction of the true life dilemma facing the author of the play , Paula Milne , on discovering that she had given birth to a child with Down 's Syndrome .
8 Sally had a great capacity for love and a down-to-earth quality that Harriet presumed was a throw-back to her early upbringing and which had been honed and tested in the fire when she had given birth to — and kept — an illegitimate son in the days when illegitimacy was still a scandal .
9 ( They would marry two years later , some months after she had given birth to twin boys .
10 At times she hated Freddie Nash with a ferocity that astonished her ; yet at others she longed to see him , to have his support , to feel that one day , perhaps after she had given birth to his baby , they would meet again and that she would experience , however transitory and unreliable — at least on his part — their mutual passion .
11 Looking at her emaciated body , it was a miracle that she had given birth to him in the first place .
12 In fact the painter never did return to Koraloona — and Marama , his mistress , always thought he had abandoned her , and over the years became obsessed by bitterness at the betrayal , for she never knew that in 1903 the painter had died , after she had given birth to a daughter , a baby girl so white that her mother christened her Tiare , after the beautiful white flower of the South Seas .
13 I wanted to ask whether she thought her own life unwasted and whether the fact that she had given birth to me was sufficient justification for it .
14 And if this second branch failed , there was yet another Mortimer , Edmund 's sister Elizabeth ; and like Philippa , even if she was but a woman , she had given birth to a son , the youngest Henry Percy , Hotspur 's heir .
15 In a series of radio interviews on May 8 Annie Murphy revealed that she and Casey had embarked on a love affair in Ireland in 1973 and that she had given birth to his child two years later .
16 Since she was sixteen she had experienced life , and none of it had been good , except that she had given birth to a daughter and also that she had found out what love was , but had experienced the painful futility of it .
17 She had given birth to a daughter but Freda had been no more anxious to marry than he had .
18 She had given tea to Phil .
19 We 've given money to organisations like the RSPB , Greenpeace , the Woodland Trust and Working Weekends on Organic Farms . ’
20 We 've given grants to
21 ‘ It just grew and grew , ’ Alan grinned as he talked about the development of the book , ‘ I soon realised that a circular including anecdotes to keep former members in touch was not possible , we had given rise to a book ! ’
22 Secretary Gordon Dixon explained : ‘ Over the past few years we have given cheques to various charities including Childen in Need and this year it was decided to send the proceeds of our charity drive to the Darlington and District Hospice .
23 We have given asylum to political refugees over many centuries : the Huguenots , the Jews from eastern Europe and Russia at the turn of the century , continental Europeans during the last war — including my father — and many others .
24 We have given advice to Departments on drawing up environmental housekeeping strategies for themselves — another first which every Department must complete by the end of 1992 .
25 Why is it that we can look at organizations which we ourselves have worked in for most of our lives , where we have complained bitterly , where over drinks with our colleagues or at the Christmas pantomime or some other time we have given vent to our irritation at these bad organizational and behavioural characteristics ; and yet when we reach high positions in companies we consider them to be something which is beyond our capability to influence ?
26 But surely not as furious as he would have been afterwards , if they 'd given way to the temptations of their flesh ?
27 A representative of the illegal but tolerated Moslem Brotherhood said on June 9 that although the Brotherhood did not support political assassinations " the government and the media " shared responsibility for Fudah 's death since they had given space to " writers dedicated to attacking Islam " .
28 He has given instructions to his new General to use whatever force it takes to destroy them , and at whatever cost .
29 They may go on appearing for twenty-four hours until eventually he has given birth to a thousand or more babies .
30 As one of the best TV presenters around , he has given pleasure to millions of people and now deserves the best of luck .
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