Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] up on the " in BNC.

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1 In the supermarket recently , I crept up on the man in my life who was examining the label on a frozen gateau .
2 Yes I pick up on the comment from the , Notts are n't as in control as they were , after first Tony and then Paul got their names on the score sheet in each case for the first time this season , both with bristling finishing efforts and you 'd be a harsh critic indeed who did n't agree that Pisa deserved to pull one back because they played some fine attacking football , and it was the player who 's caused most danger , who 's wearing the number eleven that moved across to the right hand side , got clear of the defence , pulled back an absolutely brilliant clot cross and in the middle who 'd missed an earlier header on fifteen minutes to make it one one , did n't miss on this occasion .
3 I had my camera with me and I saw there was a ladder up on the top deck and when I got up on the top deck it was quite a giddy height , not to be bit I looked at the mast then I climbed up the mast up three quarters of the way up the mast and er the view from up there looked right down on the causeway .
4 And I got up on the wall right ?
5 One morning I hopped up on the fence to have a good look around and there , sunning herself in the patio window of the empty house , was the most gorgeous long-hair I 'd ever seen .
6 I came up on the pools !
7 And it is , I put up on the screen there where the depots are so they know what they 're looking for , and I say , now what I want you to is tell me where the depots are .
8 That 's when I threw up on the carpet .
9 ‘ Well , I climbed up on the roof through the window of the ladies ’ toilet , and hung a string of underwear from the Mackintosh Bird … for charity . ’
10 Asked about his first day , Terry said : ‘ I was stunned when I turned up on the Monday only to be confronted with the aftermath of the weekend fire .
11 I set up on the same spot as in the previous summer , but this time my luck was different .
12 I turn up on the set with twenty pages of notes .
13 I mean , I 'd had the feeling before , a bit , the first couple of times I went up on the End , it was that much closer to the spindle .
14 Until 1978 that is , when we had the first and last National Conference in this country and after spending about three days cooking rice and feeling very exhausted , I went up on the platform to speak on behalf of Chi lean women and I was made to shut up .
15 To the crews ' embarrassment I stumped up on the bridge wearing the eye patch and the parrot on my shoulder with the added embellishment of an iron hook up the loose sleeve of my coat , to take Venturous alongside in full view of a crowd of holidaymakers lining the pier who , although somewhat mystified , obviously enjoyed the show .
16 ‘ When the proposals failed , I gave up on the profession and have not set foot in the Institute since , but it is characteristic of Bill 's commitment that he has carried on regardless . ’
17 So I gave up on the idea of girls until I was about fifteen , when I suppose my hormones calmed down a bit .
18 After a disastrous relationship in my early twenties in which the woman made me feel like a rapist , I gave up on the idea of sex and women .
19 Well she l she lived I think up on the hill above here .
20 But the dream , ‘ When I come up on the Pools ’ became the Fifties equivalent of breaking the bank at Monte Carlo for the Edwardians .
21 So was it very surprising that I picked up on the African presence moving around the island ?
22 If I stood up on the walkway , I thought , I could probably stretch up and touch the ceiling , but would n't be able to reach the hole .
23 I hit the central barrier and he went on about fifty yards while I ended up on the hard shoulder
24 I ended up on the front fucking wheels of a pushbike
25 she said , so she goes up on the step now , goes to this
26 Oh you oh you mean up on the board or
27 You know , perhaps if you straightened up on the side , or made it a bit more symmetrical , so that I know how to improve it next time .
28 Several times in the night she had this bad dream and once she woke up on the floor .
29 Yes you do , you break up on the twentieth !
30 But actually it does n't tell you anything about the quality of the care which they 're purchasing and the evidence that we are getting increasingly from the community health council is the experience of people of the health service is that actually the quality of the care is getting worse and this is not due to the staff in the health ee the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the e the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the for an operation er , four years , it should to be said er , she 's been waiting despite the government 's claim that all operations are done within two years er for very severe varicose veins and surprisingly enough she got them because of course most varicose have been removed her , the north-east Thames region erm , and er she turned up on the Wednesday and the operation had been postponed twice previously er , she was er gone through all the er , various tests which took her four hours cos she had to find all the places herself , there was nobody to show her to X-ray and various other places erm she was prepared for the op and then was sent home because there was n't a bed available !
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