Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] been give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now I 'd also in this time rung up the er forwarding address in Manchester , rung up the telephone number I 'd been given of the forwarding address .
2 ‘ Look , ’ I said , turning sharply on her and utilizing advice I 'd been given by Charlie about the treatment of women : Keep 'em keen , treat 'em mean .
3 NEXT day I took the advice I had been given by my friends at the Union and went to see the exhibition of the Bibliotheca Corviniana in the National Library on Castle Hill , partly because Matthias I , or Matthias Hunyadi , known as Corvinus because of the crow motif on his banners , was one of the most striking and decisive characters in East European history , straddling the histories of Transylvania , Hungary , Bohemia and Austria .
4 my vocation — the work , ministry , roles I am called to and the gifts I have been given for these .
5 Even now , the only substantial reason I have been given for stopping the work , is that BW themselves propose to upgrade the towpath along the whole length .
6 Sir Anthony goes on : ‘ The information I have been given by the joint liquidators of BCGM [ the British fund ] and BCI [ in Gibraltar ] indicates that in the period up to December 1984 there had been frequent movements of money or securities between the United Kingdom funds and the Jersey funds and , most important of all , that at December 1984 the gilt-edged securities and cash held for the Jersey funds were at least some £3.65 million less than the funds ’ obligations to investors .
7 Pat shares some of the problems she has solved and tips she has been given before answering the questions raised at this month 's meeting .
8 So you are therefore paralysed and , hopefully , because of the anaesthetic you 've been given in the form of gas , things like er halothane , er enfluorane Come in .
9 She also toyed with a book she had been given as a Christmas present , In Tune With The Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine .
10 Shaken but still thinking straight , Lynsey remembered the advice she had been given on defusing difficult situations .
11 There is a well known Peanuts cartoon by Charles Schulz in which a girl is sitting at her school desk querying the C-grade she 's been given for her ‘ sculpture ’ made from a coat-hanger .
12 If these figures are right that we 've been given by the department and I 'm not saying them whether they 're right or whether they 're wrong but well we have to r rely on what we 're getting this is why Mr is sending this lot to the Chief Executive for him to do some work I think it 's very important that it is done independently , not by the independent sector but by done independently .
13 Mr Harrison said : ‘ Following the closure of the Swan Hunter yard the Government has finally agreed to talk to the EC about getting the same subsidies for all British shipyards that we 've been giving to our competitors in the EC for years .
14 Erm , now as as this so called generous funding in fact , the police authority are facing a straight deficit of three hundred and twenty-eight thousand , they are facing a further deficit of four hundred and twenty-five thousand because they have only been given one and a half percent for pay , where all the information we have been given from the Home Office , you can shake your head as much as you like Chairman , it is in fact true , and in fact , in fact as reported in the Guardian , on , only the day before yesterday , yet again the police bill is to be , almost certainly four percent , not one and a half .
15 The the words which we have been given by the product engineer , is that the Department of Transport , and that was his words , committed to this scheme .
16 He added : ‘ Following the closure of Swan Hunter 's , the government has finally agreed to talk to the EC about getting the same subsidies for all British shipyards that we have been giving to our competitors in the EC for years .
17 We 're particularly proud of him in South Cambridgeshire , as we 're also proud that so many of our environmental health officers like Alan Hobson do sterling work for us , and we are looking to them in the in the future with this semi-autonomy that they 've been given to really take on board the opportunities which have been given to them under the 1990 Act to really go to town on environmental health .
18 Well , they were expensive if you had to buy them but they had been given to me , along with a pair of golf shoes , by the Italian company which supplied Jack .
19 " It 's just a trick , really , it 's easy , " said Clara , and she took back the egg , and found that she could not put it together again either , so they decided to abandon it , and left it in little pieces in a glass dish on the mantelpiece with some dry and coloured gourds , and then they went downstairs and out into the park , and walked towards the bus stop , and Clara explained , lest the gourds and the egg should be thought to reflect in any way on herself , that they had been given to her by a friend the week before , to celebrate her twenty-second birthday .
20 The crew had one last night with their families , and the opportunity to share with them some of the advance they had been given by Yong .
21 I still number some of them as personal friends all these years later , but at the time what struck me was their unbelievable competence and sheer quality compared with the wretchedly small scope they had been given in prewar Britain .
22 One has seen people from the shop floor sent to help start up plants overseas , and seen them rapidly take responsibilities far beyond those which they had been given in their home organization .
23 He hated untidiness and waste ; he thought that babies who threw things from their cradles should be punished , and children who would n't eat their food should be starved until they ate what they had been given in the first place . ’
24 Three Cabinet appointees were reported on April 1 to have rejected posts which they had been given in a transitional government appointed on March 30 .
25 At the end of it all , the journalists are free to report what they have been told without question , they may seek to check the information they have been given with other sources or use it as background on a later occasion .
26 Furthermore , the auditors can only report on the information which they have been given by the Vendor and if that information is inaccurate ( causing the Accounts to be wrong ) the auditors will not be at fault .
27 Many Christians see , in this parable , the command to use the talents and abilities they have been given in the service of God and all people .
28 McHale plans to use the extra £50,000 he has been given for players ' wages to good effect .
29 There is no reason , and he declines the verbal advice he has been given by his Inspector , so this has now become an ‘ order ’ .
30 Silva , who went on to make a 30-footer for an eagle at the second , insists that the confidence he has been given by Mansell 's support has counted for as much , if not more , than the money .
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