Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] she be be " in BNC.

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1 Well you look , oh the other one too , I mean she 's being stupid with her !
2 ‘ When I put my hand down to feel what was wrong I realised she was being attacked — but I did n't know by what .
3 But if Her Majesty is putting her hopes in Prince William becoming the perfect monarch , I feel she is being rather over-optimistic .
4 I thought she was being sarky about my bouquet but then I realized all the rooms were named after flowers .
5 She realised she was being propositioned .
6 She realised she was being too serious , a problem that had plagued her all her life .
7 Leonora shivered and held out her hands to the stove , then stood motionless as she realised she was being watched .
8 Between whiles she got up and looked out of the window , watching the pale sunshine come and go on the elaborate mouldings and cornices of the offices on the opposite side of Hand and Ball Court , until she realized she was being watched from a window of the floor above by two young men in shirtsleeves .
9 Did n't she know she was being played like a fish ?
10 At the same time , she recognised she was being unreasonable .
11 Little Tero whinnied hysterically when she discovered she was being left behind .
12 Which you know is an advantage in other ways as well I think , because if you know she 's being paid scale two you know other responsibility comes with it as well
13 She said I was too much for her , and I assume she thought she was being admiring , though she certainly meant I was not enough .
14 Still , she knew she was being watched .
15 Even as she spoke she knew she was being a hypocrite .
16 By the time they reached Coniston and she saw grey stone cottages beside a lake reflecting more of those unbelievable mountains , she knew she was being offered a new world .
17 This upset Stella , though she knew she was being foolish .
18 She wished she could say she knew she was being difficult and edgy , taking it out on him because she 'd been denied another child .
19 She knew she was being ridiculous , but so much had happened back there in that elegant house , so many unexplained emotions had swung through her mind in such a short space of time , and she felt so wound up , so confused by it all .
20 She knew she was being unreasonable , and she was worried she might alienate David .
21 She knew she was being baited , and yet she could not stop her shocked reply .
22 She knew she was being argumentative , a trait not exactly geared to ease frayed nerves .
23 She knew she was being unreasonable , but his domesticity seemed like an intrusion and she resented it .
24 She says she feels she 's being punished even though she 's only trying to do what 's best .
25 Well she feels she 's being left out or something
26 Bill , the first footman , who had nothing to tell him , said his foot itched to kick him up the b.t.m. , while Mary said she felt she was being taken by one of those continental gigolos to the Strand Corner House , as a preliminary to being seduced .
27 And although she felt she was being torn apart inside , at the same time the older woman 's brutal candour was welcome , because it finally answered so many unhappy questions .
28 His eyes had a smouldering look in them , and she felt she was being hypnotised .
29 You think she is Is she ?
30 Oh yes they are they 're nice presents and erm she said she is is sort of in charge of his suits and he can only wear a suit she takes a suit to the cleaners every three weeks .
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