Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] for three [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 My father was not a rich man , but he was able to send me to Cambridge University , where I studied for three years .
2 I had I saved for three years .
3 I paid for three plants ( £4 ) and when I got home , cleaned them and put them in two of my tanks .
4 I worked for three years in the Collector of Taxes department , which was really just shuffling papers and asking for money .
5 I worked for three years as a school counsellor in South Brompton , and the majority of the children who came my way were children who had some degree of behavioural difficulty or emotional disturbance .
6 Sir we 've only had this for I think for three minutes before the start of the erm of of this erm session , I 'm just wondering if we could have ten minutes to read it ?
7 And although the City Council has managed over the years to old council house rents down , I think for three years there was absolutely no rent increase and then only about a nine per cent increase , although we 've managed to hold council house rents down until
8 Cos er San Sandra agreed in the end she said oh I said you can do it on your own , you can have the nine quid if you like yourself I said but I 'm not coming with you I said for three hours working for somebody who 's twenty five .
9 I waited for three buses to go past before I got on to one .
10 However , after being in the ‘ Rena ’ for a week , I became seriously ill with septicaemia and was moved to St. Peter 's Hospital , where I stayed for three weeks .
11 You could feel the dismay amongst the Leeds players and their fans as it thundered past John Lukic and into the back of the net , leaving them searching for three goals to progress in the competition .
12 Enough to keep them going for three days .
13 Enough to keep them going for three days .
14 So please will you consider for three months out of our funds which has to be the to pay her that amount of money or else we can not cope .
15 They are going to have to say : ‘ Look fellas , we do n't want you to work for three months .
16 If you stop for three months , I 'll give you £100 ’ — a lot of money in those days , 1948 — £1,000 now ? £2,500 ? — anyway .
17 Since general public speaking courses are not preparing you to give a particular speech , but to give speeches in general , the first task is simply to get you to stand up in a room full of people and ask you to speak about anything you like for three minutes .
18 Mike said : ‘ She breathed for three minutes , giving us hope she would one day be able to breathe for herself .
19 Mike said : ‘ She breathed for three minutes , giving us hope she would one day be able to breathe for herself .
20 Previously , she worked for three months on a Youth Training Scheme after leaving Castlehead High School .
21 ( You shoot for three weeks , he points out , and three weeks later your work is being distributed to an audience larger than any cinema film short of Batman could hope to reach . )
22 Your 3-day break voucher for two is incorporated in this brochure ; this entitles you to stay for three nights free of charge , when you pay for breakfast and dinner at your chosen hotel .
23 She waited for three rings , but she knew that Hugh would n't pick up a machine that might buzz and shout ‘ Pronto ! ’ at him .
24 Okay I 'm going to ask each of you to speak for three minutes so you might like to jot that down .
25 It is contract it 's a monthly contract you work for three weeks for one pound sixteen shillings and at the end of the month they count all the slates you 've done during the month .
26 On average , we met for three hours every ten days , constantly revising , exchanging and criticising so that in the end we had both had a hand in everything .
27 We hid for three days and nights with nothing to eat .
28 We dated for three months .
29 At the start of the filming we bring in a students ' orchestra and we rehearse for three days , six sessions in all .
30 We waited for three hours and did not move .
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