Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] it the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 I found it the greatest fun .
2 For me there has always been — and I count it the greatest of all blessings — a window never finally blacked out , a light never finally extinguished .
3 But as , as I say it was a job at that time and and in fact I 'd never , this was the only factory I had n't fancied , working in was the B M K , and yet I like it the best .
4 One about Flaubert , one about Ellen , one about myself My own is the simplest of the three — it hardly amounts to more than a convincing proof of my existence — and yet I find it the hardest to begin .
5 Some people do n't do anything — some people 's places really are n't clean … well , this one is n't very , but I keep it the best I can .
6 So as soon as it began to move back , I gave it the biggest push I could manage .
7 I was interested to hear the Hon. Gentleman raise the subject of the scanner proposal , and I wish it the best of success .
8 For her it became a cloying and pallid countryside , tamed and weakened by man 's attempts to prettify nature but , in 1947 , she thought it the pleasantest spot in the world and she was delighted to be there .
9 She liked it the best of all her books .
10 ‘ Shall we make it the best of three ? ’
11 Occasionally he found it the tiniest glint of deep blue .
12 ‘ Would ye , ’ Rab asked ; he thought it the daftest question , ‘ if somebody tells ye they could fly ye on a kite ?
13 For me , it was sufficient satisfaction that Eliot had approved my essay ; that he considered it the best thing I had done ; and that I had been one of the few to express opinions which had his total concurrence .
14 We will meet at Fortingall tomorrow , and let us make it the biggest meeting of all — the Glen Lyon folk will join us there , and once Breadalbane joins with Atholl , then they will know that the whole people is on thy move .
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