Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] the [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The more celebrated I became the worse I painted and the more false I felt .
2 The fella in here 's usually a bit starchy , I mean the young 'un , not the old one , not the manager like . ’
3 When you say slightly larger will it be more visible or , I mean the present one is partially hidden in actual fact .
4 I mean the closer it is to the theatre the better
5 It was just really terrible I mean the first I was just scared stiff that I never could n't enjoy the dance on Sanday I was that scared of the thought coming back .
6 I mean the fourth one the fourth
7 No more , and I do n't mean a new one I mean the old one you know .
8 You see , now the more you think about it , I mean the more you you do n't actually use this
9 I sold the two I had . ’
10 I checked the first one on my chart — a none-too-generous position near the back and on the left .
11 I got the first one except for this one .
12 That 's where I got the other one of that .
13 I got the 109 which got Watson and he crashed into the drink about 200 yards from Watty .
14 I got the next one .
15 In theory , her looks depended on the services of many employees , my hairdresser , my last hairdresser , my doctor , my other doctor who I went to when I found the first one was n't doing me any good , but with or without their attentions , Laura would always be beautiful .
16 Ivan 's dictates on balanced tackle were instrumental in my discarding unsuitable ledger rods before I found the right one .
17 Ludo catches it on his club , as I caught the first one .
18 I caught the next one and as we arrived at Geneva we were told the flight before — the one I should have been on — had been blown up by a terrorist bomb .
19 As I say the first one that was found had to , it was his turn to be on next .
20 ‘ I finished me readin' book today and I starts the last one on Mondee .
21 They 're signalling Oh I do n't want to go that way I want the next one .
22 I want the shorter one in that one is it ?
23 I want the curly one , ’ she said .
24 I want the big one What 's daddy doing ?
25 I remember the first time I used the frail I got a clout o' the skull that I 'd remember .
26 I saw one on top of the bed I do n't know where I put the other one It 's down here Jean .
27 And the next , pick the ends up , I put the right one down first and the left one across it and then put that one through and then that 's a reef knot no that 's a granny over there anyone not sure ?
28 Once again , now it does n't matter which way round you start , you can start left over right or right over left , but the second time you do it opposite to the first time , so the first time I put the left one over first and the right one over that and then tuck it through , just like tying a shoe lace really , okay ?
29 I put the next one in .
30 Can you get us some toilet rolls I put the last one in the bathroom or summit .
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