Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] me the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You bring me the four hundred and you 'll get what I found .
2 It was of course my mother , and she asked me the same questions as my neighbour .
3 All right erm did you give me the sixty minute or ninety minute do you know ?
4 Why should you give me the five thousand when you know the guy yourself ?
5 look at this , please could you send me the following disc the Amiga five hundred , number , any num he writes number every time , one , two , three , four , five
6 You told me the other day that you could n't remember the farewell party very clearly , ’ she began .
7 The same story you told me the last time we met , ’ she said with a sneer .
8 After all , you were n't overly concerned about my feelings when you interviewed me the other day , were you ? ’
9 Do n't get in yet ple er will you bring me the rolling pin please James .
10 I a lot , cos I remember erm when Claire was I got a really formal invitation to something and I asked Claire how you were supposed to reply and she told me the exact wording of how you should reply and I just looked at her I looked at her and I said I 'm not bloody writing that .
11 The lady prioress glowered at me , shrugged , and with ill grace took me back to her own chamber across the cloister garden where she poured me the smallest goblet of wine I had ever seen .
12 Er so I 'm gon na have them but she showed me the small room , what they call the small room , well that was huge well it will be perfect for what we want .
13 Even so , I did meet one girl at Binbrook who had knitted a whole twin set from darning wool cut into short lengths , weaving all the ends together as she knitted ! — and she showed me the finished product to prove it .
14 If you give me the necessary details , I 'll fill in the order-form . ’
15 Oh shut up woman , shut up , you give me the bloody screaming abdabs , it 's my money I threw away .
16 " Strictly speaking , you 're going to be dead very soon unless you give me the right instructions . "
17 And your function is designed as , when I give you a number , you give me the nearest integer , which is just above it .
18 I 'll go through it again once we 've seen the film , and ask you to give me the main points that came out of the film .
19 I said well , why do n't you call me the proper name , is it a ?
20 And then — she called me the Lost Prince , but supposing there is another Lost Prince ?
21 She rang me the other day and said , ‘ I 've found this marvellous place for clothes — get in the car and we 'll go . ’
22 Well she was she served me the other day , Dawn
23 She tells me the only freedom is that of the imagination .
24 His face serious , he pleaded softly , ‘ Ca n't you pay me the same compliment , Hilary ?
25 Chris may you pass me the Hula Hoops ?
26 Chris could you pass me the Hula Hoops ?
27 Can you pass me the Hula Hoops ?
28 Please could you tell me the best form of algae to keep in a fish-only aquarium ?
29 ‘ I 'm not sure what you mean , ’ she stated then , ‘ but you were most definitely hostile to me when you saw me the next day , and that was still before you knew I was a journalist . ’
30 Well you bought me the new vacuum cleaner .
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