Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] that [pron] of " in BNC.

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1 I conclude that none of them succeed in overcoming the biased nature of Christology and moreover that such attempts can not , through the very nature of Christology , succeed .
2 It should have been a warning to me when I noticed that none of the other foreigners was going anywhere near the wicker-basket toboggans , each with two dapper attendants .
3 Frankie picked up the empty kettle and went to refill it but I noticed that none of the onlookers tried to wring his neck while he had the kettle in his hands .
4 I suspect that none of those companies would employ someone in a role of an accountant without proper examinations , or at least a part-qualified accountant with intentions to complete , yet they seem to be happy to promote staff to achieve ‘ recognition ’ by our Institute with formal testing of aptitudes , skills and abilities .
5 I know that lots of them would never dream of voting Labour , but it does n't bother me .
6 I would because having used spreadsheets both with and without a mouse I know that lots of spreadsheet operations are easier with one .
7 I know that none of us has any choice about what we eat ; it 's all down to drainage , and some systems are obviously better than others .
8 This does n't cut any ice with me because I believe that none of these directors would be in on the board if they were n't invited there by yourself .
9 Yet I knew that none of these , nor all of them , made her life complete .
10 Many systems and many faces may have changed over the last year or two and I do n't imagine you would believe me if I said that none of these changes had saddened me but , in a changing market-place , the basics have n't changed and the most basic precept of all is that there are no healthy banks where there are no health customers to sustain them .
11 Clare had not wanted to leave Josh ( who would be three in December ) with a babysitter , but she found that none of the local nursery schools , public or private , had an available slot .
12 She says that none of the staff at the Southampton office has been made redundant , although several who have left have not yet been replaced .
13 This all sounds well and good until you find yourself airborne at night , armed only with a line on a map , and you find that none of the features on your map can be seen because — surprise , surprise — it 's dark !
14 It 's one thing if you 're fully staffed but if you think that whichever of my boys is on guard duty for the day is responsible for the shopping as well as the cooking , and I have to put another boy on guard as substitute to him and another at the disposition of the local magistrate , and I 've two out on motor-bike patrol — where am I when a case like this comes up and I 've got to be out ? ’
15 She said that nothing of the sort would ever happen in her country , that the British are quite civilized , thank you , and that they make the rest of the world seem simply barbaric .
16 We fear that none of this will ‘ make London better ’ for the patient .
17 We know that none of the answers is likely to be a perfect fit , and it will not affect the result if you feel bound to skip an inappropriate one entirely .
18 They stated that none of the background reports or assessments had been carried out , and stressed that these are fundamentally necessary in order to determine what is in the children 's best interests .
19 They argue that lots of imported scrap is , in fact , highly contaminated with heavy metals ; and that much ‘ recyclable ’ waste that crosses borders is going to importers with no means or intention of recycling it .
20 It seemed to [ Judith ] that the emperor 's good physical condition might not last much longer , and his death would threaten danger to herself and to Charles unless they could win over one of Charles 's elder brothers to work with them , and they calculated that none of the emperor 's sons would fit this role so well as Lothar .
21 When he realised that none of his children was interested in farming as a career , he had moved the family to Brisbane and had encouraged Belinda in her ambition to become a nurse .
22 It happened that none of them were , last week .
23 It shows that none of us is perfect , not even the right hon. Gentleman .
24 At another he speculates that none of them knew much about news or editing .
25 Yet it transpires that none of the money that is so essential for restoring endangered architectural treasures is ever paid to the great figures of modern art .
26 It appears that none of the Leapors owned a freehold .
27 Yet it seems that none of them was completely surprised .
28 Well , it seems that none of the arguments that have been used so far would come close to defending the type of system that we 've got .
29 In 1974 , he decided that none of the developmental systems being studied really gave him what he needed for a study of development .
30 Given his scepticism about our ability to penetrate to the real essences of things , it is not surprising that he finds that none of the much-discussed contemporary theories on offer provide a satisfactory answer , and concludes that we are simply ignorant about this .
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