Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] and they had " in BNC.

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1 Well to be quite honest I think the reason she wanted it in Norwich was cos Glasgow 're over-loaded as it was I think and they had to learn new skills and staff support and therefore it might not be a good idea to have them as well
2 And many women actually did take to their beds when they were menstruating and erm sort of retired from active life and this was n't possible then because so many women had been called up you know and they had had to be in the army or they had to work in factories and it was n't possible for them to be absent .
3 Well no , no I , I , I 'd got a cycle and er the money was very useful to us cos er my husband , he worked on the , on the top of at Parcel he could n't go down , they were n't allowed underneath er because he wore glasses , anyone wearing glasses they were n't allowed underground you see and they had to work on what they call on the surface , and of course the wages were n't , were n't much and er I was glad to go out to work and er and I , I eventually I had a cycle and I used to cycle to Squires and back you know , and erm it was , it was very very useful indeed the money I , I , I earned there .
4 The money he gave them they had meant to use for the Greek trip but it was more than they expected and they had gone on a shopping , then a drinking , spree with it .
5 Just like a dance and they sung and they had just in each station you could hear them in Papa Stronsay we could hear them singing and dancing .
6 Anyway they said what else would they like and they had some , a set of luggage , well it 's only this nylon stuff but it was very useful for them to take away with them it did a bit of good the and I , I put in this letter I shall no longer order , I shall what was it ?
7 They belonged and they had to come back to .
8 Of course they knew and they had a pin in o in their hand to stick every hundred like that see .
9 They were never welcome wherever they went and they had grown used to the Moor .
10 They had sent a telegram to Louise ( Constance could not pluck up the courage to speak to her ) ; Ludovico had telephoned a friend about somewhere for them to stay and they had eaten what to Constance , used to English food , seemed the most delicious lunch she had ever tasted .
11 he panicked and they had a hell of a time with him because he panicked in there , in the hospital and there was a , going berserk and that but you see daddy did n't , oh there 's nothing
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