Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] and [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 Orcadai gestured them to silence and paced the length of the room .
2 I applied and got the details but never bothered sending off the application form because I did n't think I was capable of doing what was asked .
3 I happened to see the post advertised with OBEX so I applied and got the job . ’
4 His father and I owned and ran the Ontario Raceworld magazine for years before we sold it to a conglomerate . ’
5 He was rather braver than I expected and jumped the fences very well .
6 I designed and made the drawings for some jigs and we made them I 'd two or three men with me and they made these jigs and them underneath the sets .
7 After lunch I reread and filed the summary .
8 I dismounted and searched the corpses .
9 I phoned and got the address and name ,
10 I make sure , then prepare to leave , but I want to make it appear that I entered and left the church like a ghost .
11 I squinted and transformed the galaxy into the dust of my dead skin ; I always read ‘ YAW EVIG ’ from the glistening macadam and avoided giving way .
12 I stooped and lifted the Bible lid a couple of inches at one side .
13 I was even more pleased to find that all of them could see me almost immediately , and the one I chose inspected the car as soon as I arrived and had the quote dropped through my letterbox the next morning .
14 When I arrived and rang the bell it was Albert who showed me in .
15 I watched her go and then , shaking my head , I turned and walked the other way .
16 I turned and left the farm and made my way through the village to Brigade H.Q
17 I turned and left the building hastily .
18 I sighed and replaced the receiver thoughtfully .
19 Indeed , to anticipate a little , in sixty-seven of the eighty-two cases which I observed and recorded the client announced his need and set the objective for the solicitor .
20 Mala sniffed , but I grinned and opened the airlock .
21 Erm I ordered and received the letter box stickers this morning .
22 After cycling to various different parts of the village pretending to look for him , therefore , I returned and told the Germans that no one had seen my father ; he was probably out in the country on his bicycle but I had no idea where .
23 As I watched , one of the engines cut out and a few seconds later I heard and saw the explosion , two or three streets away .
24 It was in that office on the fourth floor that I heard and felt the city of Dublin roar and shudder with the explosion of three massive bombs which ripped through the heart of the city and its people .
25 Finally , I started and finished the presentation on the re-organisation of local government .
26 I repeated and repeated the twenty-third psalm , as I had done in so many kinds of danger before .
27 I sounded more confident than I felt and changed the subject .
28 After struggling for a moment to stop it , I screamed and dropped the lot .
29 And of course I went and , I I never handed in my book well of course I went and booked the other one out .
30 I went and got the pressure-cooker to brain him with and was just about to bring it crashing down on his bonce when I heard Mike calling from the next room .
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