Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adj] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He was reminded of the behaviour of domestic felines — how they would kidnap smaller creatures from the garden , take them into the house and then taunt them , keeping them alive until they starved or the cats became bored with the game .
2 ‘ Keep them alive until I get there , ’ he added as an afterthought .
3 The critics never review my work , but this concerns me little as they have no power and little influence .
4 Cold day , it was me that but I think with hurrying so , quite a good walk .
5 But he did n't tell me that and I knew there would be you see , but he did n't tell me these things .
6 You must have bought me that and I dropped it .
7 She scared me witless when she said that on Thursday about coming in
8 You may consider them hideous but they have evolved from trends within sportswear , particularly from the States and the licensed products used by the NFL .
9 The railway police and station staff were always telling them that but they had never had it from fellow buskers before .
10 We owe them that and I think that the House should approve the guillotine motion .
11 He was the one that got me pregnant and he says that I ca n't come home at all now and I phoned the hospital , yes , and they said that come in and if I go in then you 're going to arrest me and then you 'll just call my dad like you always have done every time I 've run away from home and then every time you lot have took me back home and then I end up getting pregnant .
12 Oh you 're okay do n't get me wrong but they think .
13 Sister Anne is teaching me French and she says my accent is really very good . "
14 She looked at me unsmiling and I opened my mouth to protest that I was the last person in the world to take such a thing for granted , that I was the only person in the world who held a low opinion of sexual experience .
15 ‘ You must set them free before I send your brothers to the plane . ’
16 The man managed to pull them free after he heard their shouts for help at Towyn in Clwyd .
17 He spins out a sketch , builds anticipation , until finally , with a well-timed line and a choice epithet , he sets them free and they howl with laughter , heads rocking backwards and forward , forward and back …
18 They will set them free when they arrive . ’
19 All my friends have been asking me this since I came back from my month in Australia .
20 It does n't seem to me sensible that I have the masters of the quality manual , master lists of procedure holders and so on because
21 Cynics will say this will be brief , but Graham Taylor 's team can start to prove them wrong if they win today and , most probably , go top .
22 He likes them fresh but they 've got to be like virgins — you know , untouched .
23 look at it , I find it makes them easier because I think there 's gon so that 's gon na be quite hard is n't it , I 'll
24 Chairman , my point of order , my point of order I second and I reserve my remarks I was waiting to see if you called me last .
25 I tell yer , Joe , I ai n't too partial to that cove , and nor ai n't I 'appy that 'e knows where I live .
26 Mm okay , because I 'm doing it so much better am I sure that I 've got this right ?
27 Erm the fact of the matter is sir as you 'll have detected from today 's earlier discussions it rather suits me policy I twelve because it gives a local authority the ability to plan for employment development in addition to their I five allocation .
28 I first when I come in this morning Fred was on his blanket .
29 shape am I am I huge if I go
30 This was performed by randomly selecting 15 slides scored by the pathologist ( SD ) at least one year earlier and having him rescore them unaware that he had previously examined them .
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