Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [conj] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 a nice person , I did n't know this , I found it in resources , but this , I sent for this book and I do n't , Rod 's referred to it I think and is now this bit .
2 and others really victim , I said but is n't it , is n't it kinder in a way , I would n't , if they really are sick in their minds then but for the grace of god would n't it be kinder to stick a needle in their bottoms when they were asleep so they did n't wake up again
3 She hoots and is about to say something , but she holds off in front of Darius and squints at me to see what I mean .
4 mm she said but is n't there a letter box outside
5 I mean one thing that 's mentioned before is about tag questions , which is where you put on question to the end of your sentence , as in Oh do n't you agree or Is n't it or you know you know the sort of thing I mean .
6 From Mr Fothergills Seeds I 'd choose Penstemon ‘ Petit Bouquet ’ which does n't produce all the colours they list but is still very impressive , flowering in many shades of pink and blue .
7 CLAUDIUS takes ROS 's elbow as he passes and is immediately deep in conversation : the context is Shakespeare Act III , scene i .
8 Their epoxy , Kevlar , carbon and foam construction is virtually bullet-proof ; it floats and is all but impossible to dispose of .
9 It falls and it lifts and it lilts and is never still
10 This suspicion is particularly strong among biblical scholars , and one of them , Principal T.M. Knox , said more than twenty years ago ‘ The spirit moveth where it listeth and is not to be reduced to the numerical terms with which alone a computer can cope ’ .
11 Ask yourself what is the point it raises that is not precisely covered by authority .
12 It survived and is still trading but Gilbey now works from his Norfolk home as marketing manager for Team Lotus .
13 She has been a member of the Bramshott and Liphook community Care Group since it started and is now on the executive committee .
14 It follows that is not an objective number generated by considerations of overall balance in the labour market : its value turns critically on the political preferences of governments which are supposed to be in a position to define for themselves what unemployment rate will correspond to full employment and to be capable of action to achieve their newly defined objective .
15 For the verbs which accompany clausal adjectives , however , there is no need for any compatibility at all ( although it may happen to occur if the verb also takes simple objects ) , since the noun phrase here has no direct relation to the verb which it follows but is simply one of the elements assembled within the opaque frontiers of the clause .
16 The press , the TV and the radio would like to know what 's going on and , incidentally , so would I. Kersey does n't know , or he does and is n't saying . ’
17 So Sardinia knows what it faces and is fully prepared .
18 He acknowledges that Donald is South Africa 's top bowler and major attraction but he believes that is still no excuse for bowling him too much .
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