Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [be] [adj] about " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been excited about Brownies for so long that I 'd been warned about wishing my life away nearly a hundred times by the week of my first Pack meeting .
2 Maybe I 'd been wrong about Bonanza after all .
3 When I was Secretary of State for Education and Science I recall being concerned about the implications of some methods of teaching reading if they are followed too acutely — in other words , without a balance of reading methods .
4 And I suppose being predictable about it all , I better play this for you if you 're on your way to an aerobics keep fit class some time this afternoon , or this evening .
5 What I think 's different about this series is that whereas Casualty and The Bill are about the state sector , what South of the Border seems to be about is the impossibility of the state ever actually doing anything right .
6 erm This is quite an interesting cartoon , and really has no connection with either St Aldate 's or Oxford , erm but it was actually published in 1642 , and it shows the two sides , the Roundheads and the Cavaliers , and what I think is interesting about it is that it does seem to be quite objective , it does n't seem to be particularly getting at one side or the other , which is very rare for the kind of erm cartoons that were later issued during the war .
7 I had been right about one thing — an enormous procession of funeral guests was making its steady way into the riverside church .
8 When the tent was up , I had to prove that I had been right about the proximity of a village .
9 So I had been right about that .
10 The shots were going to look terrific , but this was ridiculous — the very thing I had been cynical about and did not wish to do I was doing ; carrying a bike both up and down a mountain .
11 I had been worried about the vodka .
12 I know you think I 've been casual about your gown , but when Roman insisted I wear his clothes I could n't turn him down , could I ? ’
13 I 've been worrying about this .
14 I 've been worrying about you since yesterday .
15 ‘ Man , I 've been worrying about that for fifteen years ! ’ exclaims Bryan .
16 I 've been worrying about that . ’
17 I 've been sure about all the other , too .
18 I 've been crazy about him ever since the first time I saw him . ’
19 ‘ Did n't you guess , my beautiful idiot , that I 've been crazy about you from the first time I saw you standing outside your hotel bedroom in France ? ’
20 I 've got more work since I 've been open about my sexuality than before .
21 Of course , I 've been worried about Ian , and the way you and he — ’
22 I 've been worried about you . ’
23 Perhaps I 've been wrong about him , after all !
24 If I 've been wrong about you I 'm sorry .
25 Perhaps I 've been wrong about him . ’
26 Look , Rory , I 've been wrong about a lot of things in my life , but never more than I have been about you , right from the start .
27 I have been depressed about life in the Eighties , the way the economy has gone in the last twelve years .
28 Do you want me to have a go at doing that Simon ? because I have been difficult about it , if that helps you .
29 What I have been concerned about in this short section has been to compare some simple forms of growth equations deriving from quite different traditions .
30 Although the poem is conventional in several respects , it ends critically , not with the shepherdess cheered up by a song or by the sight of another attractive shepherd , but with Daphne recognizing that she has been gullible about her young man .
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