Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 I flung myself out of bed and into her arms .
2 I made nothing out of it .
3 I made one out of a pale wine a ros wine as well , the girls do n't like the red wine , but they like the ros wine
4 Bob and I made it out of hardboard and Formica …
5 I could n't tell you how , but it I , cos you 'd , I do n't want nothing , but when I did , I 'd got ta use my ingenuity to get something that I could get one or two or a dozen or ten off , you know what I mean , and I got ta make it and a lot of times I made it out of wood which was easily er you know treated .
6 Mr Alms , who described himself as retired but who runs Investment Chartwork , a firm of ‘ economic forecasters ’ , said : ‘ I suppose you could say I made it out of warped sense of humour .
7 How I led him out of the garden and into a rough and stony place where naught but thistles and brambles grow !
8 I make it out of a fucking cocoa tin ! ’
9 I drag myself out of bed each night to start the day — and with what ?
10 Where did I , oh I got them off of there did n't I ?
11 I got something out of the tellers .
12 It seemed a year before I got him out of there .
13 ‘ Not by name , rank or number ; I got him out of George afterwards , as well .
14 ‘ The same way I got us out of the alleyway when the grenade blew up . ’
15 Matthew , as usual , was unwilling to answer a straight question , but I got it out of him in the end .
16 No , no I got it out , I got it out of the papers last night .
17 I got it out of my Foster 's tokens years ago !
18 I bought him some of those cheekies Hey you know I 'm said I knew I forgotten something out of Gateways , do n't you ?
19 A parent refused to be bound over , saying : ‘ When I send him out of the house in the morning to go to school , I do n't know what he 'll be doing all day ’ .
20 ‘ In one case a parent refused to be bound over , saying : ‘ When I send him out of the house in the morning to go to school , I do n't know what he 'll be doing all day ’ .
21 I want everyone out of here before there 's a panic .
22 I want everyone out of here except Staff Sergeant Gordon and me .
23 I want them out of the district as well .
24 I want you out of here , all of you .
25 I want you out of this house !
26 You spell trouble , and I want you out of the way . ’
27 I want you out of this office , out of my hair .
28 ‘ I do n't want you near me ; I want you out of this flat and out of my life , do you hear ?
29 I want you out of here just as much as you must want to go .
30 I want you out of here within ten minutes . ’
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