Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [verb] from [det] " in BNC.

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1 So what I intend to do from this week is that very thing , try and fill in as it were and er make up for what was n't covered in the classes because I must admit that this year I 've been struck by the high st high standard of the class presentations .
2 The major point which I want to take from this discussion of young people 's situation is that their need to be supported economically by their parents , and more generally their position in structures of reciprocal support within families , to a large extent depend upon factors outside the control of individual families : laws relating to schooling and employment , and the operation of the labour market .
3 I organized that at Conway Hall now , in most reference books my agent 's name is listed , and my agent got a call saying the minute I began to read from that book I would die .
4 The one thing I remember taking from that report was the recommendation about how one should present drama to children that you do n't patronise , you do n't talk down .
5 ‘ With the publication of Affliction I feel liberated from that obsession with domestic violence . ’
6 For some reason I felt detached from all that was going on , presumably because I was tired and drunk .
7 What would I stand to gain from such an act of mindless vandalism ? ’
8 No , I watch the way Mr Hogan has faced the world , and I try to learn from that . ’
9 er We , we go out once a week on our bikes just to keep fit for the job more than anything , and have a pint away from the wives , er but er we 've looked into the idea of getting a bike specially made for Joanne , er the little girl who I said suffers from this disease .
10 I had suffered from these cramps four years before and in Tokyo they were bothering me from the start .
11 There was no doubt I had emerged from that episode as a complete Charlie .
12 I 've escaped from many places with this … ’
13 Why is there , I 've assumed from that , there is a need for more contract hire for the officers .
14 ‘ I was disappointed with how I handled and managed certain situations , but I know I 've learned from that and I 'm better for it . ’
15 I would like to stress that I wish to hear from all who may be enthusiastic , not just pilots ; I have no wish to create a posing pilots ' paradise .
16 Information about day to day life in Islay at that time is scarce so I have selected from those columns a variety of interesting occurrences .
17 ‘ I know from the messages of support I have received from those in the arts world and elsewhere how much your leadership , interest and enthusiasm will be missed .
18 The advice that I have received from those who understand the issue better than I is that it will drive many small convenience stores out of business .
19 You must be content , therefore , with such a general description as I have received from some of the eunuchs .
20 The speech he delivered at Labour Party 's headquarters in Walworth Road , at the moment he had confidently expected to be entering Downing St in triumph , was the most moving I have heard from any British politician since Churchill .
21 Moreover , the recording is hardly less impressive , and one of the best I have heard from this source recently .
22 ‘ Kitty from Cork ’ sang as good a rendering ‘ Bless 'em all , ’ as she struggled with her shyness , as I have heard from some professionals .
23 I have learned from many discussions with primary teachers in schools in Sweden , Yugoslavia and Bulgaria ( where centrally imposed guidelines are used ) that guidelines tend to confine .
24 David has become very philsophical about it and I have to learn from that .
25 I can count the number of trout that I have taken from this lovely loch on the fingers of one hand and blank days are the rule , but I keep going back for more .
26 I have benefited from all of this at some time ; so have others .
27 I have deviated from that one as well I do n't like the word .
28 The same answer I have got from several distinguished persons who had themselves had a particular pleasure in planting trees and plants with their own hands .
29 Then he asked me if I wanted to go from that place .
30 It is therefore difficult to convince a farm worker 's wife , who may have to walk two miles down a muddy lane in the pouring rain to catch the Mondays and Thursdays only ( except Bank Holidays ) under-threat-of-closure bus to do her weekly shopping , that she has benefited from any improvement in the provision of rural amenities , when her access to them is increasingly denied .
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