Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adj] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Actually , I had first met Bernal in 1940 .
2 I mean it 's just you know that gone wrong and it does n't
3 You 've all got decent
4 I bet I get something horrid if you 've all had nice things .
5 and we 'd all made different things , you know , and there was loads of food , but his children wanted one particular thing , well they were late coming in and of course it had gone , so he , he was n't very happy
6 I feel sorry for John , but we 've all had close decisions against us .
7 times , we 've all had bad times
8 I work with a lot of different people we 've all got individual jobs that tie up with each other 's jobs
9 I think we 've all got used to , with some products at least , asking questions about how green it is , whether it 's recycled paper , whether it 's going to destroy the ozone layer , as well as asking questions like what price is it , but if we 're going to decide whether one jar of coffee is fair-traded as opposed to another one , what questions do we need to kn know the answers to , to decide that .
10 Karen thinks we 'll all be three black crows we 've all got black .
11 We 've all got innate ability for something or other , you know what innate means ?
12 So is n't it good for us rather than quibbling , rather than criticizing , and recognizing that we 've all got different abilities and perhaps if you had n't got one of those abilities there , the , the body that it speaks about , you see every part plays a part does n't it on our physical body and so we are in accommodation , we all have a part to play , and that 's the way we , we grow you see and we mature and we become better , able , equipped to go out and tell others , gives us confidence as well if we know what we 're talking about , that way we can learn , so never quibble about assignments and arrangements , never criticize brothers and sisters in the congregation .
13 Moreover , we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it .
14 Nests I found when I was clearing the garden , put the little eggs in and they 'd all gone cold .
15 He wishes that they 'd all got killed .
16 But they 've all fallen foul of erm low interest rates at the moment .
17 They 've all had good schooling , and there was James 's training — you 're expected to contribute something .
18 Pippa Nolan says they 're up against it all the time … lots of riders have young horses and they 've all had good rounds … but it 's a sport of ups and downs and this year she 's had her fair share of downs
19 and they 've all got nice endings
20 yeah they 're all the , they must sell them , the perfect ones and the second ones they sort of er petrol station cos they 've all got slight faults on them .
21 He kept moving round the other side , cos they 've all got high neck jumpers have n't they Ron ?
22 This is what all the trouble 's about , they 've all got British passports .
23 They 're like erm they they 've got they 've all got funny , it 's , do you know like the Asterix names and that ?
24 But they 've all got big houses and loads of money .
25 Erm sometimes I do find being in Harlow very hard erm and there 's a lot of unemployment , there 's a lot of depression , there are a lot of one parent families and er the children ha er in one family they 've all got different dads
26 The new ones , I mean , the youngest they 've all got a , erm , different , they 've all got different
27 they 've all got different , they 've all been taught different ways of doing things and , and really in a , when you thing of the old boys they 're all erm , date , I mean they 've got the modern equipment , but , they do n't use it much .
28 They 've all got little rugs on !
29 And then his son they had a Mercs each , and he 's built a new bungalow now in they 've all got massive big places , it 's fantastic the money they made out of it .
30 Darren 's mam was saying Vivian 's only voted Conservative cos she 's sitting nice , she said they 've both got nice jobs and a nice big house and that .
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