Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pn reflx] to the " in BNC.

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1 Two explosions in quick succession made me throw myself to the ground .
2 Soon my buttocks were pressing against the ceiling , then the back of my head , and I hauled myself to the edge of the rug to look for a way down before I was crushed .
3 I hauled myself to the top of the wall , looking back as I prepared to jump .
4 Someone shouted : " Lie down ! " , and as I threw myself to the ground , I felt a bullet hit me .
5 I devote myself to the modest task of first abstracting from the actual economic policy of the State , which is the resultant of the struggle between two systems of economy , and the corresponding classes , so as to investigate in its pure form the movement towards the optimum of primitive socialist accumulation , to discover the operation of the conflicting tendencies , as far as possible in their pure state , and then try to understand why the resultant in real life proceeds along one particular line and not another .
6 In the course of the paper I addressed myself to the question : ‘ Why is it that people unhesitatingly talk of feeling hot as well as of feeling the heat of things ? ’
7 ‘ When I am in the car I am competing professionally and I commit myself to the job .
8 I accustomed myself to the mephitic stench .
9 In this free and easy style , I accustomed myself to the rhythms of school life .
10 ‘ One day , if I write my memoirs — the only thing I shall write well , if ever I put myself to the task of doing it — you will find a place in them , and what a place !
11 While I acclimatised myself to the changes over forty years , I went into my own world , back even further than that first hospital .
12 I knew nobody and had no idea of what to expect when I presented myself to the new teacher in my new black overall and white collar .
13 At 16 , I resigned myself to the fact that I 'd never really be thin ’
14 A feeling of terror mounted in me , and I dragged myself to the telephone and rang Émile .
15 I gorged myself to the gills although Benjamin ordered me to be temperate with the wine .
16 Of course Scamp gets to claim about twenty grand on some dubious insurance policy and I resign myself to the fact that I 'll never get beyond Inspector .
17 In Chapters 5–8 I address myself to the topic of experiences from a phenomenological point of view .
18 She flung herself to the floor and rolled to safety behind the half-opened door , the Beretta clenched tightly in her gloved hand .
19 Why had she exposed herself to the danger of someone remarking on the likeness between her son and her escort , and making the obvious connection ?
20 Do you regard yourself to the left or to the right in politics ?
21 At no time had she addressed herself to the credibility or otherwise of anything in the report .
22 She devoted herself to the ‘ liberal education for all ’ movement .
23 Only after these days can she present herself to the priest for ritual atonement of her impurity :
24 She committed herself to the view that ‘ there was no such thing as society ’ , only individuals and families , an extraordinary reaction against the outlook of the past forty years .
25 By her coarseness she sought to make things easier for him — she committed herself to the relationship , to this way of life , which , God knew , was n't much fun for her .
26 ( f ) She proclaimed herself to the staff nurse to be an ex-Jehovah 's Witness and the notes were recorded accordingly .
27 Once you had served a few years , you might come to detest the job , but you committed yourself to the future .
28 She surrendered herself to the melting awareness that was building within her , and her exploration of his mouth matched his in eagerness and abandonment .
29 Barely managing to hold her breath for the extra few seconds , she hauled herself to the other side of the object first , before surfacing .
30 If you can not find someone to conduct a mock interview then leave a tape-recorder on while you practise some of your more important answers and the way in which you describe yourself to the interviewer .
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