Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [been] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh that 's not so bad you see I 've been on holiday all last week
2 basically so am I , I 've got to write a news in the next few days so I 'll see in early February tell him about the ideas , I 've also been in touch with another lobbying firm , I say been in touch but it 's quite easy because
3 " I feel worn out , much more than I would if I 'd been for miles on the moor .
4 Like , I 'd been to church , been to Sunday School , so I knew all the stuff in the Bible , but I guess I needed to envisage it … see it , in my own terms . ’
5 I have n't been to Heathrow as much as I 'd been to Gatwick
6 I 'd been to sea for a few years .
7 I 'd been to Rome before , of course , but Naples … well , it 's something altogether different .
8 He asked me if I 'd been to Eton , but seemed more or less satisfied when I told him I was educated at Cheltenham Ladies ’ College .
9 And I 'd been to As I tell you , I 'd been to night school , joinery classes .
10 ‘ I suppose you thought I 'd been to school :
11 Somebody asked me years after I 'd been to college if it was still there .
12 Well , I dropped in one evening , a summer evening it was , as I recall it , after I 'd been to dinner at the Chelsea Arts Club and I felt in urgent need of a little female company .
13 Course , I 'd been to Cecille 's , half a crown for an hour .
14 I was suicidal , one day I 'd been on top of the world
15 I was eventually given my clothes back , but they were all muddy and damp because I 'd been on gardens .
16 And when she 'd driven Billy , a pimply second-year , up to my hall of residence at the start of his fourth or fifth term , I 'd been on hand to help them unload her Mercedes estate car .
17 I 'd been on duty in the Met Office since 8am , and managed to comb my hair and put on some lipstick before going straight down to the dance with June , one of the other Met Waafs .
18 I mean , I did get work at his mill in the summer of ‘ forty I 'd been on t'dole for four years , since I left school — but he went into the RAF not long after , and I did n't see him again till late ‘ forty-six .
19 I 'd been with Francis three years , living in his house , sleeping in his bed , caring for our child .
20 If I 'd been at school I think I 'd have wanted to leave at Easter .
21 I really enjoyed having a tutor and I learned more than if I 'd been at school .
22 But it was because I 'd been at St. Martin 's that we got that first gig .
23 Erm and at that ti but other than that , mind you I su I suppose that if , if I 'd been at home I should have probably been expected to be in , but I do n't think I should have been locked out .
24 I 'd put on weight while I 'd been in bed , and the zip on my slacks would n't do up more than half-way .
25 Darren had been dead a couple of months ; I had fallen out with my father and I 'd been in London for most of the summer , staying with Aunt Ilsa and her long-term companion , whose only name appeared to be Mr Gibbon , which I thought made him sound like a cat for some reason …
26 If I 'd been in Bill 's position I , or if we 'd had been in Bill 's position , we 'd have done the same as well .
27 I 'd been in Drake Hall a week .
28 ‘ I always wished I 'd been in love and run away when I was young . ’
29 It was difficult — you know , first time I 'd been in charge .
30 Nobody seemed to accept that I 'd been in charge of my own body and my own medication for the best part of my life ; they seemed to think that was a very strange idea .
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