Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [was/were] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 And all thanks I got was to be sacked at end of summer — though only for a few months , that is , 'cos of the revolution .
2 The last thing I expected was to be woken from unconsciousness by an air hostess with the face of an angel , gently patting on my shoulder and telling me that the plane had just landed in Miami .
3 He seemed to answer every question I had ever asked and to have lived a life far above everything I knew was to be aimed at .
4 I went and sat in a field and experienced that great bubbling up of love for the Father and for Jesus which I expressed alternately in English and in this new language which I did not understand but which I knew was to be addressed to God and which built me up as I used it .
5 My biggest fantasy I think was to be a sort of assistant , a nurse , holding Boy 's hand while O worked on him .
6 All I wanted was to be left alone to get on with the job I 'd been trained for and loved .
7 All I wanted was to be away from Hampton Court before I further incurred Henry 's wrath .
8 The last thing she needed was to be up in front of the stewards again .
9 The last thing she needed was to be trapped in a broken-down vehicle with Piers Morrison .
10 The last thing in the world she needed was to be attracted to the man who had been Elise 's lover — even if he were n't already engaged in a live-in relationship with another woman !
11 The last thing she needed was to be found trespassing in the Baron 's private grounds .
12 ‘ I 'm hoping to see something of Czechoslovakia while I 'm here , ’ she replied , but as it suddenly struck her that the silence emanating from Ven Gajdusek was decidedly chilly — and since the last thing she needed was to be bad friends with him if he objected to Lubor Ondrus flirting with her on his time , ‘ But now I must return to my hotel , ’ she added .
13 They had never even tried it until she had first seen Alain and now it seemed that every step she took was to be supervised .
14 All she wanted was to be alone .
15 All she wanted was to be by his side .
16 ‘ She knew if she had attended one of the public services she would have been the centre of attention and the last thing she wanted was to be photographed as the woman alone .
17 All she wanted was to be their friend , but they responded by ridiculing her .
18 The last thing she wanted was to be a pawn between the two of them , and was n't that just what Rune had made her by drawing deliberate attention to himself on the stage before making an exhibition of both of them ?
19 Because , it occurred to her with heart-stopping suddenness , the last thing in the world she wanted was to be around when Rohan Saint Yves married Antoinette — or anyone else .
20 The tercentenary of the church in Cambridge where we met was to be held in June that year , and we looked forward eagerly to that reunion , and to another reunion in May with friends in the Lake District .
21 Since the existing rules applied to a serf-based society , suspending them implied that the social order on which they depended was to be altered .
22 The need , he felt was to be realistic ; idealism was all very well , but what is necessary is a practical programme based upon mutual self-interest .
23 In every way , Henry V acted as if all that he did was to be lasting in its effects .
24 The last time the hon. Member for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) expressed his concerns , he gave a list of our programmes which he said were to be destroyed and eliminated .
25 What he wanted was to be as dirty as the miners , covered in coal-dust like them .
26 In 1970 , the last thing he wanted was to be reminded of Richard and the silly game they used to play .
27 All he wanted was to be free .
28 My impression was that I was only getting a small part of his attention , that he was profoundly preoccupied and that the one thing he wanted was to be left alone . ’
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