Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 I wandered in from time to time looking , usually , for something which was out of print or which no other bookseller had come around to stocking .
2 I arrived back in time to pipe out the Brigadier , and judging by his jovial manner he must have enjoyed his meal .
3 ‘ No , ’ he said with a grin , ‘ today I turned up on time . ’
4 I always make sure I get back in time for tea . ’
5 I looked up in time to see him place his cap on his head and look round the kitchen , patting his pockets as he did so .
6 There is no doubt that this was the main reason why I delayed accepting a promotion post until it was too late and I ran out of time .
7 I wrote off to Time Out and in early February 1981 found myself surrounded by eight or nine other blind socialists discussing the formation of the Alternative Talking Newspapers Collective .
8 Apart from the measly sums she doled out from time to time , the allowance was Benedict 's by right , for it was left in trust for him by her husband .
9 And then there are special times ; when planning a family : as an expectant or nursing mother ; when it 's that time of the month ; or simply when you run out of time to eat properly .
10 In the examination itself , divide up the time on the basis of how the marks are likely to be distributed ; if you run out of time for your first answer , quickly sketch a conclusion and move on to the next question , so that you have provided at least a general indication of work in all the questions .
11 Just that I think Susanna wants to spanner to work , her bike 's not here otherwise I 'd have if she gets back in time , fair enough .
12 ‘ Put me down , you lecherous old goat ! ’ she said with a laugh , and , pushing him away , she straightend up in time to see That Man emerge from Jim 's old office with Ben Bradshaw , the senior registrar .
13 Well if you go back in time if you go back if you go forward in time say twenty years you wo n't have anybody left from the last world war will you ?
14 This is a simply stunning hotel where you step back in time .
15 Step into the Hotel Monna Lisa and you step back in time .
16 Er , but if we run out of time and I find we have n't we we we ca n't fit it all in I 'd like you all to attempt to do this for yourselves after er , the lecture is over .
17 Let's have a look at some of the closing questions , erm , before we we run out of time and the teas ready .
18 You do n't give a damn about whether we get back in time for the meeting . ’
19 We took off on time , but we had unknowingly booked on to the milk run .
20 As we droned back in time from one lost place to another , I fondly remembered what had previously seemed by bad travel stories .
21 This process would be repeated until we ran out of time , cards or interest in what we were doing .
22 Erm we do n't see a great deal of difference that they 've had the same problem as we 've had , in that we ran out of time before we could put the er finished act together properly .
23 For example , if it is costly for firms to hire more labour or adjust their capital stock it will be optimal for them to spread out over time their response to any relative price signals they receive .
24 Your two crystals grow visibly : they break up from time to time and the pieces also grow .
25 They came up in time to see the penultimate line-up .
26 I was one of the lucky ones because they were having done that the others in fact left it until later and in fact they took , they , they called up for time .
27 As the shop manager pointed out , it was the third time that month she 'd been late for work , and if they had n't needed her to turn up on time , they would n't have hired her in the first place .
28 Similar sort of principle erm and you give er you give people lottery tickets if they turn up on time .
29 They turn up from time to time . ’
30 Those , however , who search just a little harder will find a panorama of aero-delights unfold before their eyes , if they move back in time .
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