Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [to-vb] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Faldo said : ‘ I tried to go for it and at least I put a scare into the guys out there .
2 But while the opportunity is there , I want to go for it . ’
3 The fact that both Linda and I were abused makes it worse because I want to help her , I want to comfort her , I want to care for her , but by doing that I 've got to forget about what 's happening to me .
4 England 's my country and I want to fight for it . ’
5 ‘ Shall I send to look for him ? ’
6 This is what I undertake to do for you , reader .
7 What on earth have I agreed to work for him for ? she asked herself despairingly .
8 For most people one of the first questions to answer is ‘ How am I going to pay for it ? ’
9 I began to yearn for you the moment you left , ’ he told her in return .
10 I began to look for her .
11 Anyways , I decided to go for it .
12 I needed a change , so when he said there might be a job coming up , I decided to go for it .
13 Timothy and I went to search for you , but you were n't there . "
14 And er I went to look for him once and I could n't f Could n't find him anywhere .
15 I eventually assumed that , by now , someone else must have written the animal version of Manwatching and recently I went to look for it .
16 ‘ When you were missing I went to look for you .
17 Whatever she [ mother ] needs , it 's there regardless … if her money did n't amount to whatever she needed , she would get it , even if I had to borrow for it , she would get it from somewhere .
18 I was no expert , but I would know enough to make a preliminary diagnosis and summon an ambulance if I had to arrange for her to be taken into hospital .
19 All I had to show for it , as I mopped my brow , were sympathetic words of congratulation back in the pavilion — and the club 's Cricketer of the Year award .
20 No sooner was I off the train than the guard blew the whistle and the train started and I had to run for it .
21 And and I had to pay for it of course .
22 if I had to pay for it
23 I had to jump for it .
24 I 've to call for him at half ten .
25 I 've to call for him at half ten .
26 So I have to wait for him , come on .
27 if I have to wait for you I 'll wait forever cos your eggs are not done
28 I 'm just waiting to see who I have to thank for it . ’
29 I found Springsteen sitting on the draining-board gazing out of the kitchen window , which I have to open for him so he can come and go as he likes .
30 It 's not right and I have to lie for him !
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