Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] is that " in BNC.

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1 What I 've said is that I 'd like to see the existing C P O's become divisional staff at the division that they are working now so that the divisional commander can allow them to stay there holding hands with the new civilian C P O for up to six months if necessary because it then becomes a local decision as to when the when the two have that umbilical cut .
2 And what I 've asked is that they actually did and not separate it .
3 I 've seen many of those books and reviewed some of them and the moan I 've had is that sometimes they try to be too accurate .
4 The suggestion I 've had is that we have got held in the budgets erm land acquisition , I mean it may be that we actually pool this the , the new land acquisition after the centenary , which might be erm a way of recognizing the centenary of the , of the parish council .
5 Well I mean the arguments I 've had is that they 're not .
6 The only giggle ( not a niggle , this time ) I 've had is that , in common with most of the new GST range , the BoP box is filled mostly with a chunk of pink polystyrene — a case of more is less ?
7 What I 've found is that there 's a lot more complexity and problems in happiness , many more layers , than I 'd imagined .
8 He admitted : ‘ What I 've learned is that I was too complacent going into this competition .
9 The story I 've got is that he was forced out because Ron Barron was threatening to prosecute him for fraud . ’
10 The the memo I 've got is that the new settlement provision according to the structure plan , relates to the the Greater York area .
11 I mean I 've got is that any good because
12 ( Another curious suggestion I have heard is that these rings were worn as a souvenir of a marriage ) .
13 One thing I have noticed is that the exterior of the church is in need of repair and redecoration .
14 The impression I have from such documents as I have seen is that the obvious hardship to the residents of Bridge and Medway Roads was somewhat played down and the employment and general economic benefits were underlined .
15 What I hope I have demonstrated is that some sort of positivist approach , in which one regards a theory as a model , is the only way to understand the universe , at least for a theoretical physicist .
16 One thing I have learned is that I should never tell class members to lift their ‘ jambon ’ . ’
17 The background to the situation which I have described is that in December 1990 and January 1991 there had been an uprising in Somalia in the course of which the President , Siad Barre , had been overthrown .
18 Er , what I would like to propose the erm a a that resolution two of course , was put down at the time it had to be put down er , and is clearly going to be affected by , that it happened at the th the financial services in March and what I have suggested is that you might prefer this be a a a second resolution it is or and turn to the to add on the end of that resolution thus urging local churches to through their consultations with district treasurers and finance committee to increase their contributions to the Ministry of Mission Fund in nineteen ninety three in such a way that provincial commi , commitment may be increased by at least five percent over the nineteen ninety two .
19 Mr Brighton , erm before I turn to another speaker , your comment about the location of a new settlement , and the likely effect it would have on the West Yorkshire conurbation , er I presume from what you 've said is that effectively the new settlement , if you have one , its location should be such as to serve the needs of York and Greater York , and therefore the further it is away from the West Yorkshire conurbation , or the West side of North Yorkshire , the more likely it is to fulfil that function .
20 No what we said was that if you were interested to see if two variables are associated , this is for a pi squared you might look at sex differences , men and women , and smoking or non-smoking now if they were associated what we 've said is that you might for example ex in fact women 'll probably smoke more than men .
21 But it certainly has n't determined policy in any way , because what we 've said is that provided we 're satisfied that there is n't profiteering going on by the oil companies , and our Office of Fair Trading have told us that there is n't , then it is right that , that we should pay the right price for our petrol , and that is what it costs at any one time .
22 Because you see all that we 've heard is that gentlemen just before Mr he listened at the door before but of course the front door is nowhere near the master bedroom .
23 Well er we , we 've taken a , a , a policy view over the years because the group has a number of er very attractive er products and , and , and , and shareholders have frequently asked if was possible erm , to have concessions in all sorts of areas and the view we 've taken is that it involves a , a , a , a , a great deal of administration and that our real job is to er increase the profits of the business er , a as well as we can and then to pay dividends to the shareholders erm who will er , er , then use that money er , hopefully to buy a good number of our products .
24 ‘ What we 've found is that sales , at a minimum , are double .
25 And now we 're out here and all we 've found is that nomes are n't important at all … .
26 We 've it , researched it and what we 've found is that there is a niche for the best of British .
27 The strongest argument we 've got is that has got a driving record worse than yours and he has been taken on despite that record .
28 One of the major problems we 've got is that erm the w I did some figures yesterday that , that tended to suggest that in fact our productivity performance overall is about two point seven at the moment even without having had in and without having units in and so on , so we have increased our productivity , marginally , despite the fact we 've got temps in and we 've got those new business people .
29 The weakness that we 've identified is that because we 're new we have n't learnt the game .
30 The general conclusion which we have reached is that there is no clear evidence in any of the figures we have examined that the abolition of capital punishment has led to an increase in the homicide rate , or that its reintroduction has led to a fall .
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