Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lobbying by pharmaceutical companies has already watered down a proposed directive which at first suggested forcing them to include detailed information on dosage and usage on advertisements .
2 In short , both of them combine motley membership with rigid structure — which does not make for relaxed , efficient teamwork .
3 Hoffmann J. declared that in each case the beneficial interest in the property was owned by the bankrupt and his wife in equal shares and he made orders for possession and sale but , after considering the circumstances of the two wives and their children and , in particular , that the half shares to which they would be entitled would be insufficient for them to acquire other accommodation in the area and the educational problems of the children , imposed a provision for postponement until the youngest child in each case attained the age of sixteen .
4 Many scientists are active in such groups in Northern Ireland and a significant proportion of them bring special expertise to their organisations .
5 12.20 : Another Social Worker asks me to arrange half-day visit to the School .
6 As most of their expansion had been in transport sectors , it was a natural step for them to try switching production from trucks to tanks .
7 Exotic nuclei have more protons or neutrons than do stable nuclei , and studies of them provide valuable information on the balance of nuclear forces when atoms deviate from the most favourable ratios of neutrons to protons .
8 It thereupon wrote to all institutions offering advanced work asking them to provide detailed information about student numbers and other aspects of planning forward to 1984–5 .
9 The distinction you need to practise could also be between two sounds where both or one of them causes real difficulty in pronunciation as well as being contrastive .
10 I became chief executive in 1971 and I then became responsible for the implementation of the plan .
11 Then we had to change the Unions to Newsize and er I er I became National President of the Newsize er district inspectors branch of Newsize Yes I was president till I retired .
12 I became head chef in a kitchen with two cordon bleu chefs at The Rose Revived in Oxford .
13 More or less what I asked personal point of view that er one is afraid that Europe , as it is , is rather limited .
14 When I asked Special Branch for extra men for surveillance work , I was told there were no extra men available .
15 ‘ After the drop I applied full power into a climbing left turn and tried to see what was happening .
16 For the more experienced I commend Still Life in Oils by Paul Millichip ( John Hemson Associates ) and the various demonstration films by Harley Crossley on palette knife techniques ( Rainbow Art Images ) .
17 I had a friend who suffered from twisted testicles so I made sure part of my sponsorship arrangement is that I 'm provided with decent shorts with inner briefs that give me support .
18 Sasbach was no exception and I made good progress with Pascal 's Pensées .
19 Last month I went back over the past 40 years of owning knitting machines and described some of the ways that I made sufficient money for the machines to pay for themselves .
20 PAMELA : I made common talk of it , sir !
21 In conclusion Mr Mayor I repeat social housing to be effective , should be for those in greatest need , not an easy option .
22 I mean flipping talk about keeping it a secret !
23 Er I mean Standard Life for instance tied with the Halifax , G A with the Derbyshire , erm endless societies have tied .
24 I mean Northern Echo at Darlington , Bradford , York , Kendal , they 're all very profitable businesses er , and so they 're , but they have n't had any increase in sits , in sits vac .
25 And , and not look extraordinary or out of the way at all , and I think all true clothes , I mean true sort of timeless costume , you can wear at anytime .
26 if you 're going to join a K you , you , you should , I mean joined writing to me should be a soften version
27 In so doing I lay great emphasis on the Biblical text because I consider the Scriptures to be our ultimate authority in matters of doctrine and life .
28 Gav and my Aunt Janice got on like a house on fire , a combined location and fate I occasionally wished on them as I lay awake listening to the sounds of their love-making , a pastime I sometimes suspected I shared with people in a large part of the surrounding community , not to say northern Europe .
29 Embarrassed at my ineptitude in the situation , I feigned great interest in a rack of clothes at the back of the shop .
30 I make full use of our consultative committee , and our sales team of selected departure members who meet to suggest marketing , promotional and in-house selling ideas .
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