Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] be [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is the last place I want to be and I 'm not at all interested in your background .
2 I came to be capable-as he had said I would — of the most beautifully consistent combinations of apprehensions with little twistles of kinaesthetic intimation .
3 The thing that I object to is that many old people and the disabled relied on taxis to get them into that area , and I would say that Hackney Carriage vehicles should be allowed in .
4 I know nothing about his treatment of women ; erm all I know about is that he chose not to elect a woman to the cabinet .
5 It has become apparent on some of the issues , some of the comments that we made that was if I could call it the you 'll know what we 're talking about and I do n't if we are talking about the there was there was a point somewhere where talked about ing an increase or short of journey time along the ring road and this has been taken as I understand to be that we are setting out an increase of speed er traffic on the sections of road to a junction and that 's totally in force and it was either .
6 Yeah , I thought of being that once but I would n't mind it in the wards , but I would n't want to be in the operating theatre , I do n't know why , the blood do n't put me off or anything , but
7 You know , I thought of being that once but I would n't mind it in the wards , but I would n't wan na be in the operating theatre .
8 The first thing I thought of was that we 'd offended them in some way we did n't know — done a terrible insult to their gods or something .
9 The only thing I care about is that I 've got to share a cell with you .
10 There comes a point where you have to say , ‘ I do n't care about the model , all I care about is that I 'm painting . ’
11 Because wh when , when we were looking at , at , at the I mean sort of things the implication to me seemed to be that , that this in itself is a successful policy , rent reduction , interest rate reduction methods improving er productivity , increasing input , in themselves are satisfying the demands of the peasantry and you would not need to go beyond that , I mean well did n't need to , he is n't the ideal , but he did n't need to go and he , he was doing very well out of it .
12 Tell me what you want to be when you grow up .
13 And also I think , which is very strong and I think it does come out in , in the Chinese Communist Party , is the lust of power which can be even more dangerous when you convince yourself I 'll do all you lot good but I can make you all members of the Communist Party , whether you want to be or not does n't really matter , you know , it 's gon na be for the good of the country so you fall in with this trap of assuming that you want is for their good so it 's sort of a , a dangerous thing .
14 Now when you moved to was that a kind different kind of work obviously you were doing a wee bit more variety .
15 Do you need to be or have access to the railway station or to the main roads or anything like that ?
16 why I wonder you say to be or not to be ,
17 The motion is n't actually asking for each individual member to be sent a questionnaire and to say where would you like to be because obviously that is totally ridiculous .
18 The reason the farmer at Ben More has put up the sign you talk about is that he has been particularly troubled by dog owners who ca n't control their animals .
19 And how ill did you have to be before you died ?
20 How old do you have to be before you can have the privilege of being murdered ?
21 When asked what she wanted to be when she was a child , she admits : ‘ Probably famous , like every other kid .
22 Well it 's just fire and you have to be but
23 The only difference is that , the fewer roses you have space for , the more certain you have to be that the varieties you grow give the greatest possible pleasure , for the longest possible period and with the most resistance against pest and disease .
24 I suppose you have to be if you sleep with an erstwhile nun .
25 You have to be when you are working in a community like this .
26 It 's not that good , cos it 's either Final Fight you have to be or you can only pick out of and or it 's Final Fight guy where you can only be or Guy .
27 We lack a vision of what kind of company we want to be and a strategy .
28 That was just before we started to be And we I finished up and me twenty first birthday in a place called and that was in Belgium but in between .
29 HOWEVER confident we pretend to be that the Conservatives will be returned with a majority of at least 25 , we must accept the possibility that this gesticulating Welsh oaf will hold centre-stage until such time as the economy , public order and constitution collapse about his ears .
30 He said this did not amount to a demand for a right of veto : ‘ The principle we stick to is that the PLO will be totally out of the picture . ’
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