Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] [was/were] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many black adolescents I talked to were conscious of the differences between their own Creole and their parents ' .
2 Only a minority of teachers I spoke to were interested in the way of life of their Asian pupils and an even smaller number knew anything about it .
3 The gentleman I spoke with was unaware that light aircraft ADF equipment was unable to tune to the half kHz and seemed quite surprised to learn this .
4 Yeah , the clothes I had on was identical to that of P C .
5 Berry explained : ‘ We got into base camp with the group of trekkers on May 8 and one of the first people I ran into was Krishchaty , just by chance .
6 The thing that perturbed him slightly , though , was that most of the men she talked to were young rather than old .
7 To our philosophy teacher , Professor John Macmurray , I owed the perception that my chosen trade was a treacherous one if what you looked for was strict objectivity .
8 What she died of was acute liver failure . ’
9 Some of the places we went to were absolute tips — paper peeling off the walls , damp patches on the ceilings — and video just glosses over it all . ’
10 People we spoke to were undecided .
11 Some residents we spoke to were frightened to talk publicly for fear of reprisals .
12 COSI is thought to be part of a much broader technology effort now coming together that will likely involve IBM too in some way , though no-one we spoke to was prepared to elaborate further for fear of upsetting delicate negotiations .
13 Nobody we spoke to was prepared to comment .
14 ‘ Scientific ’ tests for cognition can be conducted not on social groups and individuals as such , with all the political implications that involves , but on a newly constructed , asocial category of ‘ literates ’ and ‘ non-literates ’ , as though the culture they belonged to were incidental .
15 In the second bay starting from the western end , northern side and up to the gangway , was H. Webb 's black gang , so called because everything they dealt with was black in colour .
16 The table they sat at was wrought iron , with a bright brass guard-rail running round the top of it , more of a danger to glasses than anything else .
17 Yet everything he talked of was clear and at the tip of his tongue .
18 The guy he spoke to was American .
19 The table he sat at was circular and made of pine or what Hilbert and Adam 's father had called deal .
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