Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adj] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 He says I look terrific in all colours and all styles .
2 I get tired of all this from time to time and attempt to get off the Circle Line and branch out into new conversational territory .
3 ‘ The Queen herself has insisted that I get involved in all aspects of the negotiations at all levels .
4 I feel sad for all who did n't attend and for those who do n't even have the chance to attend something similar .
5 ‘ In this environment I feel free of all hampering trappings — ’
6 I feel alone in all the world .
7 I hope you feel that I always let you follow yours , because , darling , your opinion on things affecting you and me , or either of us , I think important above all … you 're a bright star to march upon , and I 'm setting a steady pace .
8 She wondered whether Philippa had really outgrown her passion for partially disabled men but she seemed oblivious of all this and sat like a springtime sprig in a bed of roses , contemplating her coincidental twin .
9 When you heard me I was imagining a process whereby you 'd have a strategic sites policy in the structure plan which would enable a local authority in preparing its local plan if it wished to identify a strategic site and that would then become in the local plan , you know subject to all those consultation processes , and then it 's part of the portfolio that is available in the published arena with a statutory framework behind it .
10 And if you get depressed at all , come downstairs and have a chat . ’
11 She loved Roman with all her heart and soul , and she doubted if she would be able to even look at another man for the rest of her life .
12 Please come and join the , the group and , and chip in if you felt free at all .
13 It saves me getting involved in all that endless round of relatives .
14 McAllister was playing well enough himself and we looked comfortable at all times .
15 While Poole was urging him to remain true above all to poetry , Coleridge still had no sense of a purely poetic , or even literary , vocation , and for the moment could offer only two vague plans for the future , ‘ the first impracticable — the second not likely to succeed ’ : he could ‘ make a portly Quarto ’ by translating all the works of Schiller , then set up a school at 100 guineas a head , or he could ‘ abjure Politics & carnal literature ’ altogether and become a dissenting parson .
16 They remain undiminished by all the Christmas cheer .
17 Crew members are rotated between areas on a daily basis so that they become skilled in all forms of work .
18 They looked good for all three points but County came back with an equaliser from Phil Turner …
19 It became compulsory for all young men to learn martial arts .
20 Then he was dropped five games later and it became obvious to all that the goalkeeping hero of the finest days the club had ever known could not be long in going — and on 16 October 1973 he moved over to Orient for a £30,000 fee .
21 It became obvious to all but Aenarion and his followers that the war was lost and the world was doomed .
22 He became responsible for all of the Bruce family interests , including their right to the throne , and was appointed a Guardian of Scotland in the absence of his young uncle , David II .
23 Modernism was played out , and it seemed absurd on all sorts of grounds that there should be no contemporary equivalent to The Faerie Queene or Trollope 's Barchester novels .
24 No effort had been made to make it look homely at all .
25 ‘ Maybe he gets tired of all the rows .
26 Although it seems contrary to all logic … ’
27 It seems obvious to all except those in authority on our side .
28 This , with the similarities in handwriting , led the BR manager to conclude that he felt convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that Mr. Brand had committed the offence .
29 Some days workmen threw debris into it — the shop was being renovated ; other days it lay redundant in all its rusty ugliness .
30 In the confusion his greatcoat had slipped to the floor , where it lay unnoticed by all but the ever-watchful child .
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