Example sentences of "[noun pl] rather [conj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 They were an adjunct to and lubricant for existing activities rather than part of the supplanting of a traditional culture .
2 Events in Vietnam , in many ways comparable although obviously complicated by the factor of French colonialism , were of infinitely less interest and for the moment seemed to require only a definition of attitudes rather than acts of policy .
3 Structures have been used to implement pay scales rather than principles of organisational design .
4 It was not possible suddenly to change direction , yet the damage being done to education was obvious as campuses sometimes resembled market-places rather than institutions of higher learning .
5 The main difficulty Lane foresees is that care managers will have to adapt to new systems which will vary between individual authorities rather than types of authority .
6 This again throws the emphasis on to skills rather than coverage of facts , although a comprehension of the structures of subject disciplines ( even the idea that subjects have structures ) is an important element .
7 It can be used by portfolio managers wishing to create displays for individual clients , including the percentage changes between specific dates and graphs of each price history and has already proven popular with City stockbrokers who prefer to scan graphs rather than lists of prices .
8 Further work by Reicher [ 1969 ] extended this to show that familiar words are perceived as units rather than strings of letters .
9 Perhaps this reflects over-ambitious goals rather than failure of the projects , for it will only be when attempts to calm large areas are made that possibilities emerge of encouraging former car journeys to be made by public transport .
10 They may prefer to believe themselves to be special and different in their primary addictions rather than part of a wider group of sufferers from addictive disease .
11 Many of the complaints emanate from judges rather than members of the public and relate to conduct in court .
12 But the reporters were sure that five of the seven camps they saw were special ‘ show camps ’ for refugees rather than victims of Serbia 's ‘ ethnic cleansing . ’
13 The rebel officers ' paramilitary allies , the Carlists and Falangists , were certainly eager to spill the blood of their left-wing enemies , yet they too thought in terms of days rather than years of actual military conflict .
14 Usually , colours rather than shades of grey would be used .
15 the very existence of any examination at 16+ ( whether GCE , CSE or a unified examination or examination system ) as opposed to a series of assessments at the right stage of development for the individual pupil is questionable because firstly sixteen has already ceased to be the date for leaving education for the majority of pupils , secondly employers look increasingly to school recommendations , college course experience , and examination expectations rather than evidence of ‘ O ’ Level/CSE achievements , and thirdly the Universities and Higher Education look for and stipulate ‘ A ’ Level achievements rather than ‘ O ’ Level evidence .
16 However , these resemblances are probably ‘ convergences ’ , similarities acquired as the result of similar needs rather than evidence of a direct connection with true primates .
17 Including the capacity-reduction actions — which will primarily involve closing of buildings rather than abandonment of entire sites , IBM will have reduced its total manufacturing space by about 40% since 1985 .
18 In the tradition of Advaita or non-Dualism he refers to the soul , ( Ātman ) , and God , ( Brahman ) , as knowers rather than objects of knowledge and claims that it is not possible for mortal beings by the use of reason alone to know the knower of knowing .
19 The social and cultural conditions under which Marryat and his successors have written , even up to the present , have led them to explore individual personality mainly in terms of officers and warrant officers rather than members of the lower deck .
20 It is possible to use a mean-variance approach to formulate a model of the demand and supply of futures in terms of price changes rather than rates of return .
21 He found it difficult to get worked up about buildings and tended to think of landscapes as habitats rather than objects of aesthetic concern .
22 The ENP Policy stated as one of its aims : ‘ To give priority to the needs of the patients rather than throughput of the department ’ .
23 At the same time as they were re-establishing themselves in Vietnam the French were finally being evicted , as they saw it , from Syria and the Lebanon and while these were League of Nations mandates rather than parts of the French Empire proper , their loss was no less bitterly resented .
24 Theories in the traditional natural sciences are usually based upon icons of generative processes rather than knowledge of the generative processes themselves , and we are not unhappy to be in that company .
25 At a polling station in Kompong Cham , a photographer confronted by the sight of hundreds of voters rather than piles of corpses , spun on his heels and announced , ‘ This whole thing is a farce . ’
26 Winter-lets are not intrinsically bad , but they are ‘ symptoms rather than causes of insecure housing , chiefly because many authorities ignore the needs of people who have to resort to them for want of a better choice … . ’
27 The attention of new authorities is directed to contracting issues rather than problems of supply .
28 The three main headings , and I 'd like to concentrate on the de-regulation and the flexibility points rather than administration of this .
29 The people who had not yet moved out of hospital showed no clear trend in their level of participation in meaningful activity , strengthening the case for attributing changes in the group that moved to the community services rather than passage of time or general improvement in all services .
30 In this way the primary sufferer — and the family members — may more readily accept the need for treatment even though they will subsequently learn that stress and depression are consequences rather than causes of addictive disease .
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