Example sentences of "[noun pl] being [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was no chance of survivors being found in other parts of the collapsed building .
2 Yet other problems arise from familiar sound , structures or words being used in unfamiliar combinations , or for unfamiliar purposes .
3 However , the real difficulty , leading to the eventual scuttling of the Bill , was that the scheme proposed different remedies being offered in different circumstances against different defendants .
4 All planning authorities are now drawing up rules to prevent new homes being built in surrounding countryside , so what will happen in Swindon when existing sites are exhausted ?
5 General practitioners need assurance that control of expenditure will result in the savings being retained in local health care .
6 If you are so concerned with the kindly nurture of infants , I suggest you turn your journalistic — conscience — to those children begotten by inadequate stupid parents being reared in appalling conditions in slums all over the country .
7 Part-time farming was confined to smallholdings on the outskirts of villages with the smallholders being employed in neighbouring towns as teachers , lecturers , etc .
8 West Germany had already decided to impose a duty on carbon dioxide emissions , with the proceeds being invested in energy-efficient technology .
9 They do question the likely degree of functional independence of these areas , given the amount of ‘ vertical integration ’ of cortical areas being demonstrated in recent anatomical studies .
10 Women 's clothes show about eight variations in the position of dress-fasteners , with one , two or three brooches being worn in varying position on the shoulders and chest , sometimes with sleeve fasteners ( frequently referred to as ‘ wrist clasps ’ ) particularly in eastern England .
11 Until recently , catholics in the North were practically forbidden by their clergy to attend state schools , exceptions being made in certain outlying areas .
12 As a result of the advances being made in veterinary medicine our dogs are healthier , live longer and are able to enjoy a more active life than their predecessors .
13 The final curtain as it was for so many cinemas at this time , before they became cash and carry warehouses for bowls and colanders , brushes , clothes pegs , cloths and uncountable tons of things being produced in orange plastic .
14 The first issue concerned whether the government 's new-found commitment to community economic development actually represented an attempt by the government to shift responsibility for the structural problems being experienced in so-called deprived communities onto members of these communities .
15 Other great cities went in the same direction , without any questions being asked in central government , or by the opposition , about the electoral system .
16 Irish women cried as they heard from two Chilean women of the horrors being committed in post-Allende Chile .
17 Eventually , a central department set up jointly by the refugee committees helped to alleviate major problems like the treatment of refugees as Nazis , refugees and Nazis being kept in close proximity , inadequate accommodation , lack of adequate medical care and the separation of families .
18 Henry also had a go at stopping hops being used in good old English ale .
19 So he swooped to catch the falling child , drive away the wolf or restore the horse — all these miracles being depicted in small panels round the central figure of the Saint .
20 The changes were viewed as an attempt to the heal the bitter rift between the politically dominant Tutsi and the more numerous Hutu population , which in 1988 had led to 5,000 civilians being killed in ethnic violence [ see pp. 36328-29 ; 37056-57 ] .
21 Historical cost accounts are the main accounts , with the effect of changing prices being shown in supplementary accounts .
22 such as ideologically based preferences and the need for linkage between central and peripheral implementation agencies , Tarrow argues that both the pluralist and the Marxist approaches pay insufficient attention to the political leverage which the periphery may exercise over the centre , and to the possibility of communal interests being voiced in peripheral areas in ways which can have real effect on the centre .
23 Instead , we have to offer a conceptual and contextual account which would open electronic publishing to the knowledge and skills being developed in other areas such as Editing and Marketing .
24 STOCK broking analysts are about to start making choices about which of the 10 water authorities being floated in early December are worth investing in .
25 A SENIOR Strathclyde region official said yesterday that infant malnutrition and genetic factors could be responsible for the high numbers of Asian and black children being placed in special schools in the region .
26 We imagine our children being accosted in dark alleys and force-fed narcotics until their souls are no longer their own .
27 Issi is one of thousands of children being fed in famine-stricken Somalia — thanks to YOUR help .
28 Yesterday we saw some criminals being paraded in public on a lorry , and being ‘ criticised ’ by the crowd .
29 In 1991 , there were 701,000 pupils being educated in Roman Catholic schools of whom only 11.5 per cent .
30 The lower incomes may be due to the types of jobs available in country locations or to lower wages being paid in rural areas compared to urban areas for the same jobs .
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