Example sentences of "[noun pl] being [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 This week we have considered four ways of organising the delivery of care and asked who might be the ‘ real ’ clients being served by each .
2 In closed systems the fear of being considered faint-hearted , or uninvolved , or unsupportive prevents such doubts being voiced at all .
3 One also feels he potential of moving images being explored in some simple documentary footage , as in the almost abstract shots of boys throwing snowballs , wind-surfing , skating and tobogganing in Winter Sports ( 1902 ) .
4 Production of the Continental R will begin in November , with only 70 units being allocated to each of Rolls-Royce 's four main territories — the UK , the United States , Europe and the Far East — in the first year .
5 She felt her legs being secured in that position , so she was doubled over to look like a sandwich .
6 That purpose rapidly became defunct , but the afforestation continued with thousands of acres being planted since that time , at the expense of many of our ancient broadleaved woodlands that nurture diversity .
7 There would be no " blanket de-collectivization " , and profitable collective and state farms would be allowed to continue in the context of equal opportunities being given to all forms of farm ownership .
8 Bearing in mind that the Earth is only about 150 million kilometres from the Sun , the chances of one of our spores being captured by any potentially life-sustaining planet of a Centauri can be seen to be very slender indeed .
9 Nevertheless , Macmillan had no objection to experimental steps being taken in that direction .
10 In almost every society we know something about , except perhaps the very simplest , there are individuals who specialize in music or who are regarded as more skilled ; in this respect , notation brings about not a total change but an added stimulus , and even without it , there can develop — as in blues or in British ‘ folk ’ traditions — an idea of particular songs being attached in some way to individuals : ‘ that 's X 's song ’ .
11 The reverse case , of evidence taken in a civil law country for use in common law proceedings , presents greater difficulties ; a deposition or minute taken by a judicial officer , with no cross-examination and perhaps without the parties being represented at all , may have limited probative value or be actually inadmissible in the common law country .
12 The teaching methods being developed by this project include the diagnosis of these difficulties and the provision of material enabling pupils to recognise and overcome them .
13 He said that he was " reaching out for peace with Iran " as a response to the " sinister designs being concocted against both countries and the Gulf region by hostile forces " [ for Iraqi " supergun " affair see pp. 37390-91 ; 37471 ] .
14 The opportunity was taken to get further information from customers about volumes and types of transactions being processed at these times .
15 During the Late Predynastic Period each district was recognised by a representation of its main god mounted on a standard or pole , these emblems being shown on some of the painted pottery .
16 These will be used to examine the processes of change in companies and within trade unions and to explore the strategies and logics being used by both parties .
17 The museum suffers from shortage of space and there is talk of its contents being moved to another site .
18 Among the ideas being floated by those owners who see television as their saviour are an expansion of the National and American leagues from two divisions each to three divisions each ; the introduction of regular season games between clubs in the two leagues ; and the involvement of eight clubs , rather than the present four , in play-off games at the end of the season .
19 A few military theorists — Saxe in his Rêveries ( 1757 ) , Justus Möser in his Patriotische Phantasien ( 1775–1804 ) , Guibert in his Essai générale de tactique ( 1772 ) — as well as political writers such as Montesquieu , Morellet and Mably , might advocate some form of extensive or even universal service ; but there was no serious possibility of their ideas being adopted by any government .
20 The Rosebowl is presented to the overall winner with four Merit Awards being granted to those who have achieved the highest standards of workmanship .
21 However , the market is not very active , with typically only 0.2% of outstanding bonds being lent at any one time .
22 And at Kidlington on the A four two three , Langford Lane 's junction with Banbury Road sees temporary traffic lights for resurfacing prior to the traffic lights being installed at that junction ; some fairly long delays there at the moment .
23 A landing is built overhead , running the entire length of these and the iron stores , and this is also divided into separate parts , distinct classes of goods being kept in each .
24 One influential dissenting voice has talked of priorities being established in this area too .
25 The debate is important and has led to keen observations being made on both sides of the House .
26 In recent years we have seen great efforts being made at all levels to ensure that children learn effectively .
27 Despite the positive results achieved by the mixed professional/ paraprofessional social service teams to which we have referred and the efforts being made in some countries to promote that model of service provision , little is being done in schools of social work to provide professional social workers with the type of skills needed for that kind of practice .
28 The overall correlation coefficient is found to decrease from 0.97 to 0.82 , many distances being violated by more than 1Å and a number of important qualitative base-base distances being lost .
29 the senior positions being occupied by those members who have been in Congress longest .
30 It may be that some hereditary peers are well worth a place , but it is also true that some who are not hereditary peers are equally deserving and it is hard to argue that they should not be considered on their merits on the same basis , with life peerages being conferred on those most suitable .
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