Example sentences of "[noun pl] because they [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Some women prefer seeing make gynaecologists because they find them more authoritative . ’
2 Many electors undoubtedly withheld votes from some of its constituency candidates because they judged them sure to be defeated .
3 They would have nothing to do with recognised ‘ sinners ’ such as tax-collectors because they considered them to be immoral .
4 As people act on things because they want them — the child wants a teddy bear , or wants something to eat — they begin to gain a sense of themselves as distinct from those objects .
5 Project teams might resent policy decisions of senior managers because they believe them to be inappropriate to the problems of the organisation ; line managers might resent ‘ free- wheeling ’ ‘ undisciplined ’ members of project teams .
6 He hated the Communists because they nicked his family 's bit of land and he hated the Germans because they treated them like pigs , ’ says Peter Solowka .
7 Yet that person with AD may be ‘ positioned ’ differently , both by themselves and others , if they avoid the games because they perceive them as a mindless waste of time and prefer to go for a walk instead .
8 They discovered that people in poor countries persisted in having so many children because they wanted them .
9 So many people visit the countryside and pick wild flowers because they find them pretty , only to have those flowers wilt and die long before they can be arranged in a vase .
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