Example sentences of "[noun pl] because they [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Now erm the wealthy peasants or and sort of and , and other people who , who were possibly sort of er small landlords , they were trying to get involved in these associations because they felt they , they could see they were gathering pace and that the , the cost of exclusion would be very high .
2 I mean , of course they can , they can make all sorts of wild promises and all kinds of crazy policies because they know they 'll never be called upon to carry them out .
3 A lot of people are prejudiced against mares because they assume they are all temperamental when they are in season ; this is n't necessarily so .
4 Palmer , seconded by GLEB to work with NoS , felt many people were naively attracted to the pops because they thought they were easier to do .
5 We were deprived a show of hands because they knew they would be defeated and embarrassed . ’
6 If systems are developed without the involvement of the users , they may be unwilling to accept the new systems because they feel they have been imposed on them .
7 Some people are unable to make choices because they feel they must have everything and can not accept the loss that is inherent in exercising choice .
8 ‘ People generally would rather spend money on clothes because they feel they are noticed first .
9 Author of Love Is n't Quite Enough — a study of male-female relationships — Dr Tysoe says , ‘ I have n't come across any evidence that shows older women are attracted to toyboys because they think they might be better in bed .
10 Old people are frightened to open their doors because they know they may face a menacing crowd , all demanding sweets or money .
11 Many women resist swapping jobs because they know they could do a job a lot better or quicker themselves , or because they are frightened of ‘ having a go ’ at traditional male jobs .
12 And I 'm almost having to bully kids in the fifth year at present into getting hold of the Echo at night and writing off to jobs because they believe they are of no value .
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