Example sentences of "[noun pl] should be [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Fallon said : ‘ I would have to think very seriously about it as I do not think Dr Clarke 's views should be given air time . ’
2 ‘ Their views should be given weight only when they are clearly representative of opinion in the Parliamentary party or the Conservative Party as a whole , ’ he said on the same programme .
3 Where obviously inadequate parenting occurs , the response of the statutory services in most cases should be to support parents and help improve their parenting , whilst keeping the child within the family .
4 Employers should be taking note .
5 ( i ) Preferential creditors As a matter of policy , insolvency law has to determine ( a ) what constitutes insolvency proceedings and ( b ) whether any particular class of creditors should be given protection in the insolvency of a company and accorded a statutory preference over some or all of the company 's creditors .
6 All church musicians should be afforded opportunities to sing or play alone , with others listening .
7 Assuming that the husband will be the conveying party or transferor , it would seem appropriate that his solicitors should be allowed custody of the title deeds and act , in effect , as the " vendor 's solicitors " .
8 Minimal pairs and nearly minimal pairs should be placed side by side across the lists .
9 Their use as a screen or selector seems to dictate the curriculum rather than merely to reflect it , and to bring it about that easily measurable accomplishments should be given priority , the repeating of acquired factual information , or the mechanical performance of skills picked up without understanding .
10 He offered the suggestion that the universities were ‘ subject-orientated ’ and that the role of the polytechnics should be to prepare people ‘ to enter sectors of activity rather than extending the availability of subject-orientated courses of a highly specialist kind ’ .
11 Schools should be implementing courses to teach young people about mental handicap as these will be tomorrow 's parents and neighbours .
12 Someone in the occupational health department or specific tutors should be given responsibility for student welfare and be trained as counsellors .
13 The Wilson Committee found the case unproven but the Labour Party and the trade union movement have since suggested that tax concessions available to pension funds should be made conditional upon the repatriation of some of their overseas investment .
14 By now your legs should be dropping hints about their preferences and if tiredness really has set in , the last top , Sgurr na Moraich , can be avoided by descending to the glen from the final col .
15 Rave kids should be throwing petrol bombs at the Houses Of Parliament over the way their right to party has been thrown in the proverbial dumper , but they are n't .
16 the plenary sessions should be given titles
17 Entries should be marked ACC in the top left hand corner of the envelope .
18 More specifically , Hocevar requested that Yugoslavs should be given joint-responsibility for all camps which included surrendered Yugoslav nationals .
19 One of the recommendations to come out of our first extended patrols was that the crews should be allowed air travel to return home for rest days .
20 At first the allies decided that the Kurds and the Armenians should be given states of their own in what is now eastern Turkey .
21 Another proposal I heard last week was that , instead of being fined , parents should be paid £10 each week if their criminal children kept out of trouble .
22 there is a serious side to community education and it is highly political in nature , that it should be directed towards equalising political power at local level , that communities should be learning skills to enable them to work with , and if necessary to confront local bureaucracy .
23 Yet she argues in ‘ August 1746 ’ that the rebels should be shown mercy [ see ML , 2 , 61–63 ] ; one did not , however , need to be a Jacobite to object to the blood sports of public execution .
24 The concept is that applicants should be given credit for prior learning whether it is certificated or uncertificated providing it is at the right level and relevant to the qualification being sought .
25 WWF proposes that environmental protection and the eradication of poverty should be made explicit objectives of the MTO , and that non-governmental organisations should be given consultation rights , enabling them to make submissions to investigations of trade disputes .
26 To some extent , the apparent general increase in skill levels of the working population is the result of bureaucratic reclassification of occupations — in the 1930s the US Bureau of Census decided that all machine workers should be termed operatives and deemed semi-skilled .
27 And the early reading of P P G seven it seems to me it 's apparent that the principle messages are that the development in open countryside should be strictly controlled , and I would underline that point strictly controlled , and that the countryside should be safeguarded for its own sake and non-renewable and natural resources should be afforded protection .
28 Farmers should be given money to take more conservation measures .
29 Unlike Marxists and neo-Marxists , Goldthorpe believes that proprietors of businesses should be considered part of the upper and lower strata of the service class , and not part of the ruling class .
30 Mr Le Pen told Le Figaro that all immigrants who had entered France since immigration was officially stopped in 1974 should be repatriated and that immigrants ' families should be refused entry .
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