Example sentences of "[noun pl] must [vb infin] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Where this does happen , employers must accept that they are discriminating .
2 What tragedies must occur before he and the Minister of State will change their minds ?
3 Unofficial strike action followed and the union 's own bankers were granted an injunction prohibiting the NUS from transferring any of their property abroad , on the principle that third parties must ensure that they gave no aid to any action which might occur if the union 's property were sequestrated as a result of some future contempt of court .
4 Businessmen must ensure that they meet the terms of business ethics imposed by the media .
5 The parents must agree that they can deliver the rewards and disincentives always and not just sometimes .
6 It is therefore to the second alternative — selling goods and services overseas — that countries must look if they are to maintain and improve their living standards and avoid a balance of payments crisis .
7 The punters are typically those C2 social groups whom , we are told , the Conservatives must retain if they are to do well on Thursday .
8 There is one fundamental condition that any hypothesis or system of hypotheses must satisfy if it is to be granted the status of a scientific law or theory .
9 HIV prevention workers must ensure that they prioritise their work according to epidemiologically demonstrable need if the alarming trends in surveillance data on sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection are to be arrested or reversed .
10 ‘ The days must go when they can wake up a judge at dead of night , give him a drop of brandy , show him a headline from The Sun and get him to sign an injunction , ’ Mr Todd said .
11 Syd Tierney , NEC member ‘ The days must go when they can wake a judge at dead of night , give him a drop of brandy , show him a headline from The Sun , and get him to sign an injunction . ’
12 THE days must go when they can wake up a judge at dead of night , give him a drop of brandy , show him a headline in The Sun , and get him to sign an injunction .
13 Certain tracks and off-course bookmakers must realise that they are rubbing our noses in the dirt .
14 This means that managers must know whether they are ‘ line ’ or ‘ staff ’ .
15 They have drawn up lists of criteria that producers must meet before they , or retailers , can display the Soil Association or UKROFS symbol .
16 Egg producers must recognise that they are competing in the sophisticated food industry of the late 1980s and that they have a responsibility to the consumer .
17 Yet temporeros must organize if they are to improve their working and living conditions .
18 Note : Practitioners must decide whether they wish to alter the word in square brackets .
19 Note : Practitioners must decide whether they wish to alter the word in square brackets .
20 Note : Practitioners must decide whether they wish to include the words in square brackets .
21 Note : Practitioners must decide whether they wish to include the words in square brackets .
22 Note : Practitioners must decide whether they wish to alter the word in square brackets .
23 Note : Practitioners must decide whether they wish to alter the word in square brackets .
24 Note : Practitioners must decide whether they wish to include the words in square brackets .
25 Note : Practitioners must decide whether they wish to include the words in square brackets .
26 Most importantly the heads of terms must state that they are 'subject to contract " .
27 Members of suitable quality were needed , but members must feel that they were getting value for money .
28 Dr Anthony Storr , author of the recently-published Churchill 's Black Dog , in which he showed how senior politicans often turned stresses of up-bringing into strengths , said yesterday : ‘ I 'm interested because the gates must mean that she 's feeling increasingly insecure and threatened in a simple , straightforward way ; and that 's an interesting phenomenum in itself because she 's been so absolutely certain of herself .
29 It is very valuable to you since it will be detailed and original , may criticise other historians ' views and will provide a good insight into the wide range of sources that historians must consult before they are able to offer convincing interpretations ( see their use of footnotes and consult the bibliographies ) .
30 Prosecutors must determine if they want to continue to harry him .
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