Example sentences of "[noun pl] down and [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 As you do it the third time , bend your fingers down and place them all under the band .
2 It is important to write these plans down and to keep them under review .
3 He did not attempt the removal of the pyjama jacket , but suddenly stood up and began to pull the red trousers down and get them off ; and it seemed that Patrick , shifting very slightly , assisted the operation , his eyes now moving in awareness of what Marcus was doing .
4 So he pulled all his strings , and although it was politically very sensitive , he got the Cypriots to close the Palestinians down and kick them off the island .
5 ‘ They 're certainly tearing things down and putting them up at the moment .
6 The carriage attacks by charging , knocking characters down and crushing them ( treat as stomp attacks ) .
7 In Britain booming domestic sales of videocassette machines have brought the prices down and made them more attractive to institutions .
8 Two or three of us , we pulled her down into the barley and pulled her drawers down and filled 'em with barley .
9 His back was smooth and firm , hot under her palms , and the muscles rippled as she slid her hands down and smoothed them over the slight swell of his hips .
10 I remember visiting a year or two ago a project in Mexico , where an American organization had moved in and made a careful study , decided that the ideal thing for the local people to do would be to raise chickens , so they put fences up , supplied them with goodness knows how many hundred thousand chickens ; within a year they 'd killed the chickens , pulled the fences down and used them to cook the chickens and they were back exactly where they were .
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