Example sentences of "[noun pl] time [conj] time again " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is important that acts do n't just send in exactly the same tapes time and time again .
2 Aristotle looked on democracy with a more tempered suspicion , but clearly viewed popular participation in politics and the popular leaders with aristocratic disdain , as did the historian Thucydides ; while the comic dramatist Aristophanes mocked popular rule and its leaders time and time again , even in the years when Athens was locked in war with anti-democratic Sparta .
3 Spending time considering that Chemical Dependency might be the true cause of many of these secondary consequences is a better use of the doctor 's time than trying to tidy up the same repeated consequences time and time again .
4 We support these MPs time and time again , which we should be doing , but in return , we certainly want their support .
5 Executive also-rans may have most to gain from going beyond traditional set-piece job interviews , at which , Hamilton-Phillips says , ‘ people who can talk well get jobs time and time again ’ .
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