Example sentences of "[noun pl] when it 's [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Safety glass will break into relatively harmless pieces when it 's hit hard , but laminated glass is much more difficult to break , and will deter most burglars after their first attempt .
2 ‘ The whole chemistry of food changes when it 's cooked , yet we know so little .
3 His mind kept curving away , the way a golf ball curves when it 's sliced or hooked .
4 ‘ On all instances when it 's left to The Smiths alone , we are unbeatable .
5 No fire can burn without the oxygen air provides , and air can only rise to great heights when it 's warmed by fire .
6 The size of one and a half football pitches when it 's completed in November next year it will have not only space but air conditioning , an education room and laboratory for the conservationists .
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