Example sentences of "[noun pl] who have [been] on " in BNC.

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1 Along the riverside , hay would have been cropped several times through the summer , and then , at the end of the summer , the animals who had been on the fallow would be turned on to both the meadowland and the stubble of the arable before coming into the paddocks by the village over the winter , to be stall-fed on the hay cut from the meadow .
2 It is sad when sisters and brothers who have been on good terms quarrel about who gets what , whether the reasons for wanting a particular item are commercial or sentimental .
3 ‘ A couple of years ago the kids who had been on the trip from Bawnmore just turned up at the self-help group premises and wanted to see the friends they had made on the holiday again , ’ Adree said .
4 Recently , however , two small-scale studies have been completed which take on board the perceptions and experiences of parents who have been on the receiving end of child protection interventions .
5 We knew that inside were climbers who had been on the same route , who had seen us , who had spoken to us .
6 ‘ Mostly , we find that Packman is being bought by larger , more safety-conscious farmers , especially where there is pressure from operators who have been on COSHH and FEPA courses . ’
7 Jamaica alone has a hundred and five prisoners who 've been on death row for more than five years .
8 Of about 100 prisoners who had been on hunger strike since May 1 [ see p. 38179 ] protesting at the government 's alleged failure to free all political prisoners , 17 who were still fasting began accepting food in the days after Mandela appealed to them to abandon the fast , on June 6 .
9 But even for him there 's a thrill playing with bands who 've been on top for quarter of a century
10 We there 's Don and myself two individuals who have been on the course for incident training with Fire Brigade .
11 The reabsorption into landed society of those families who had suffered in the upheavals of the past decade was to be a slow process , and was to give rise to fresh disputes over lands claimed by families who had been on opposite sides , but Edward showed over the next twenty years that loyalty and service would receive their due reward .
12 A couple of bands were hired several months ago to jolly up the celebrations , whose main participants appeared to be trade unionists who had been on free holidays to one of the last proletarian paradises .
13 As workmen moved in to put up fencing yesterday , more demonstrators joined a small group of protesters who had been on a 24-hour vigil at the site .
14 But when I got there I found I was in with kids who 'd been nicked for stealing or who 'd been on drugs or alcohol or glue , and girls who had been on the streets at 13 .
15 Mahmoud had traced the girls who had been on the Prince 's dahabeeyah and wanted Owen 's help in interviewing them .
16 In conclusion , I feel that the basic things which happen to the boys on the island would apply to girls also but would come about in a way both more slow and less physically violent , yet I have an idea that the scars left on the minds of girls who have been on an island together in Lord of the Flies circumstances may well be deeper and longer-lasting than those of boys in the same situation .
17 The General Secretary mentions some of them in his Report , and I do not apologize for mentioning it again , they 're fighting back at Timex , they 're fighting back at Burnsall , in my own region at Crawley we 've twenty members who 've been on strike for the last sixteen and a half weeks .
18 Members who have been on the Public Accounts Committee , as I have , will know all about virement , which is not a recondite issue but a practical one .
19 They had served deaf people faithfully and with devotion for more than a century and were correctly described in the same editorial as " dedicated men , universal guides philosopher , and friends who had been on call at every hour of the day .
20 A four week challenge was performed on 20 children who had been on a gluten free diet for mean ( SD ) 14 ( 3 ) months .
21 The Unit followed up the health of 700 children who had been on Blackpool beach last summer .
22 He imagined with pleasure the bollocking that would be administered to the men who had been on duty the previous night .
23 He presumed those men who had been on duty had all gone in the helicopter to help the others .
24 She wondered about the other men who had been on the plane , and what theirs felt like .
25 Glaxo Group Research has a range of policies to provide support to , and facilitate the easier return to work of , women who have been on maternity leave .
26 Women who have been on the Pill may have nutritional deficiencies ( see p 260 ) and you may wish to take a nutritional supplement of the kind described on p 330 .
27 Like Brillat-Savarin 's famous fondue and the fonduta of Piedmont , the fondue of Franche-Comté is really a cream of eggs and cheese ( not , be it noted , scrambled eggs and cheese ) and has been rejected , I fancy , as being unauthentic either because it is more difficult to cook correctly than the Swiss version or because it is the cheese purveyors rather than the egg-marketeers who have been on the job .
28 There was no sign of the two policemen who had been on duty at the cordon .
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