Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [vb past] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Group testing received its first big boost when the US entered World War 1 in 1917 to provide for the rapid classification of a million and a half recruits who needed to be assigned to suitable roles in the military machine .
2 There was a man born among these Jews who claimed to be , or to be the son of , or to be one with the something which is at once the awful haunter of Nature and the giver of the moral law .
3 The other two were less opulently equipped , and carried ‘ such ladies and gentlemen who chose to be of the party ’ .
4 And the younger kids who wanted to be ultra-mod , exaggerated the look .
5 A high proportion were repeat visitors who appeared to be on good terms with the reception and service staff .
6 If tha does n't believe me , ger a bag of coil on thi back and I 'll get one on mine [ not something unusual for Amos who happened to be a coalmerchant ] and ah 'll race thee to t ’ top o' t' wood ! ’
7 for example , BBC Television on the evening of the 11 July Day of Action , and the papers next morning , were full of pictures of injured policemen , but the pickets who were injured were hardly mentioned , although among them was a man who had had an epileptic fit , a woman who had collapsed at the rear entrance to the factory and two Yorkshire miners who had to be carried away by their friends .
8 Thus nobles who decided to be obstreperous could perpetuate " temporary obligation " indefinitely .
9 This metaphysical commitment came under scrutiny not only from those artists who refused to be limited by the laws of perspective but also from ‘ scientists ’ and ‘ philosophers ’ .
10 Their only foe had been the usual plague of flies who had to be slaughtered on a regular basis .
11 There were an unprecedented number of vacancies following the Revolution , and many of the new appointments went to Low Churchmen who tended to be Whig in sympathy .
12 The regular aircrew treated us quite well as a rule but there were one or two time serving Air Gunners who seemed to be jealous of our youth and high spirits , and the majority of the skippers were real gents who appreciated that without the National Service contingent the Washingtons could not be crewed correctly .
13 The Officer was talking to two gunners who appeared to be Polish judging by their accents .
14 The training officer of one licensed dealer taught the Stock Exchange Licensed Representatives ' and Traders ' Examination in the evenings to dealers who had to be pushed into attending his classes , like unwilling schoolboys .
15 Buddeke wrote bits of her speech into a notebook as he examined those around him and made note of the enthusiastic individuals who happened to be standing nearby , describing dress , attitude , or making little sketches .
16 It was highly embarrassing , a sort of indelicacy , to stand on the platform surrounded by a crowd of males who had to be polite but were obviously not in the mood for feminine society .
17 TWO four-year-old boys from ‘ intentionally homeless ’ families who applied to be rehoused by their council have no legal claim , the Court of Appeal ruled yesterday .
18 But these estimates were , of course , based on the short-term , very non-strategic demands of investors who wanted to be assured of a good return on their money if they bought shares in the industry .
19 In no time he had calls from husky security officers who liked to be called ‘ Marcia ’ .
20 It also transpired that parts of England ( east and south-east ) were put on full invasion alert at the time , but it seems that ‘ Cromwell ’ had been ignored in some places where the junior officers who happened to be on duty had not been let into the secret of what it meant .
21 The book was stuffed with interminable quotations from obscure American academics who seemed to be in the vanguard of the deconstruction movement .
22 Once policy had been hammered out — and sometimes before it had — there were also a whole series of committees with representatives from the regions who needed to be consulted and informed on the views of headquarters .
23 When police arrived they found two Englishmen who seemed to be shocked victims of an armed hold-up , said James Curtis , prosecuting .
24 In due course , these new laws were applied against the protesters who appeared to be on strong ground when challenging their convictions , since , in their haste to bring these laws into operation , the drafters had apparently acted ultra vires .
25 She then contacted any other service-providers who appeared to be involved with the client , to ask them what help they were providing , and how they saw the client 's needs .
26 Bloxham had always been fascinated by regression to what appeared to be past lives , and he would experiment with those of his patients who proved to be excellent subjects for hypnosis ( with their full permission and co-operation , of course ) , recording the outcome of these experiments .
27 In my dream I was alone on an empty road , trying to remember the director 's name , when a large open-topped car drove up , full of laughing passengers who seemed to be sharing their jokes in a foreign language .
28 The Oxford saga began when a local reporter investigating landlords who appeared to be cheating the DHSS was taken off the case .
29 Thus , some teachers wanted subject books to be more accessible for their own teaching , as in the case of teachers who wished to be able to take out boxes of books for use in their own departments .
30 Letters were quoted from two of the girls who wanted to be moved .
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