Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [verb] or [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Each table excludes not only any clients who died or moved out of the area before the periods ended ( for whom there was no difference between action and control samples ) , but also all those who at referral went straight into ( or remained in ) institutional care .
2 Commanders who undervalued or ignored Ultra get short shrift .
3 In this area there was also a great amount of seasonal labour-migration : farm-workers going to sea after the harvest for the home fishing — half-breedfishermen they used to call them in the Saints district of north Suffolk ; and the fishing-chaps who bought or hired a horse or donkey and trap to hawk fish round the villages during the herring season ; and there was an associated dealing in horses from Scotland to satisfy the seasonal demand .
4 I am more than happy to pay tribute to those gallant and courageous civil servants who led or followed my hon. Friend on that exciting detour on the continent .
5 But her happenings were transformed by the characters who caused or suffered them ; she was an artist , unlike the Goncourts , who attached happenings to characters quite arbitrarily to suit their convenience .
6 Using the debates between German chemists who supported or rejected the new chemistry , he paints a convincing picture to support and amplify Kuhn 's views .
7 There was no significant difference in the duration of remission between patients who did or did not identify food sensitivities .
8 Differences in antibody responses between the study groups were assessed by comparison of ( i ) rates of seroconversion ( defined as a change in antibody titre from undetectable [ <8 ] to detectable [ 8 ] ; ( ii ) rates of secondary 4-fold or greater rises in antibody titre in seropositive children for whom additional 4-fold rises could be reliably documented with a neutralisation upper limit of 1:1024 — ie , children with baseline titres of 8–256 ; and ( iii ) type-specific geometric mean titres ( GMTs ) among the total study population and among children who seroconverted or had secondary 4-fold or greater rises in antibody after vaccination .
9 The men who sat or lay near to him on the floor had watched with a curiosity that a man who was held in the Transit gaol at Pot'ma should concern himself with such a small matter as the pin-sharp biting of the louse .
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