Example sentences of "[noun pl] also [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My thanks also go to Colin Harvey and the staff at Heatherbank Press .
2 RAF Irises also flew to Gibraltar via Lisbon during August 1930 , and conveyed Chief of the Air Staff , Sir John Salmond , on a return flight to Egypt in 1931 for his inspection of overseas units of the RAF .
3 Changed circumstances also mattered to Waters ( 1979 : 47 ) who described outstanding schools as places which were run by heads " with flair , wisdom , energy and that sense of knowing how things ought to be " but who emphasized , too , that these qualities needed to be partnered with an ability in organization and management in a wide variety of fields .
4 The obligation under companies ' legislation ( CA 1985 , ss198-206 ) to disclose interests in shares in public companies also applies to persons " acting in concert " .
5 These exceptions also apply to Sections D and E of the Policy .
6 Really going for it , but the advances also led to weaknesses around his king and if the kingside files become open , then it is far from clear who benefits most , as the game shows .
7 Gender ideologies also assign to women a primary role as carers of the sick , disabled and elderly .
8 Italy has received comparatively little attention , although many of its foremost artists also turned to book illustration at least once in their working lives .
9 Five hundred tour operators also belong to ABTA , effectively covering 90 per cent of holiday journeys .
10 The latest investigations also relate to incidents in 1988 when Mrs Mandela had returned to Soweto after years of banishment by the authorities to a remote town in the Orange Free State and had surrounded herself with a bodyguard of ‘ football club ’ thugs .
11 But the group 's charge for bad and doubtful debts also doubled to £1.185 billion .
12 Knights also went to war in company ; a number , sometimes from the same lordship , would serve in the retinue of a great lord .
13 It also states in para 12 that ‘ the principles set out above in respect of disposals also apply to closures of businesses and to negative goodwill ’ .
14 Special provisions also apply to advertisements for listed and unlisted securities .
15 The changes also applied to elections to municipal and county councils so that the electorate was now composed of all ratepayers , excluding recipients of poor relief .
16 In the above we have talked about companies , but these concepts also apply to government and local government , trade unions , charities , in fact all and any organisation .
17 In addition to the contracts mentioned so far , the Regulations also apply to contracts made during an excursion organised by the trader away from his trade premises .
18 It should be noted that the anti-discrimination statutes also apply to termination of partnerships by this means .
19 THE MEXICAN National Commission of Human Rights also replied to AI members ' letters which expressed concern about the use of torture in Mexico .
20 What is true for general histories also applies to surveys of more limited periods .
21 Sugars also attach to proteins to form ‘ glycoproteins ’ , and it now seems that most proteins function only in the form of glycoprotein .
22 String theories also lead to infinities , but it is thought they will all cancel out in versions like the heterotic string ( though this is not yet known for certain ) .
23 In the debates over the last twenty years there has been considerable interplay of theological and sociological reasoning , with social scientists also contributing to papers and discussions .
24 It was eventually spurred into action when the majority of the member states began to take unilateral action to control imports of coal into their own territories , so obviating the whole object of the common market since the new controls also applied to imports from other ECSC states .
25 The latter is one of the characteristic features at Water Newton , where the most complicated street system known in this category lies within a walled area enclosing 18 ha ( 44 acres ) ; it should not be forgotten , though , that extensive ribbon developments also existed to north and south along Ermine Street ( see figs. 18 and 20 ) .
26 Prizes also went to runners-up The Avenue comprehensive , Newton Aycliffe , and Hummersknott comprehensive , Darlington .
27 The symptoms of hyperventilation can therefore mimic virtually all the symptoms also attributed to anxiety and chronic stress .
28 One intellectual reason why Western Marxist writers accepted ‘ party discipline ’ and a rigid orthodoxy on their work was the conviction that the Bolshevik revolution ( and the spread of Marxist regimes to Eastern Europe , China , and Cuba ) had ‘ validated ’ the ‘ scientific ’ character of Marx and Engels ' work — credit which Communist thinkers also extended to Lenin 's reworking and extension of classical
29 Many children also related to Kevin as the ‘ outsider ’ in his family .
30 Many of the issues relating to time based fees also apply to contingency fee structures .
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