Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The air-gargoyles gently sucked and puffed the aromatic smoke into strange curlicues as if sketching the features of potential daemons which might lurk outside the hull .
2 Stuart bellowed his words as if answering a court-martial and failure to enunciate perfectly at top volume would earn him a few more years in the glasshouse .
3 MacMillan has made this last song a welcome to the future as the three protagonists quietly and slowly come forwards , their hands linked , gradually raising their heads as if greeting a new day .
4 His shoulders lifted towards his ears as if to help the grin along .
5 She closed her eyes as if awaiting a kiss .
6 He twitched his shoulders as if shrugging the burden of Georgina on to the new arrival .
7 He cleared his throat and looked down at his feet as if assessing the shine on his boots .
8 Start the engine and simply run over the blocks as if using a vacuum cleaner .
9 Somebody had planted a few saplings as if to justify the name , but they looked extremely sorry themselves , sadder even than the Fir Tree in Hans Christian Andersen 's story and about to meet a similar fate .
10 It was brown , as far as Hoomey could see , and its ribs stuck out like his own , and its great projecting hip-bones were on a level with his head , sticking out like girders as if to hold the gaunt body together .
11 She laughed often ; a great sudden masculine sound , jerking her arms as if elbowing the air out of the way .
12 Ibn Fayoud turned away from the girl , smiled warmly and held out his arms as if greeting an old friend .
13 In a single serpentine sentence Porfiry seems to dissolve into his own prose , showering Raskolnikov with a patter of tiny verbal blows as if exercising the Russian particle for its own sake ( nu da uzh ) , telling him that he considers him ‘ quite incapable ’ of committing suicide , and in the same breath to leave ‘ a short circumstantial note if he does .
14 Given the gun , it lifted all of six inches as if to sniff the wind , the massively muscled V8 growling expensively .
15 The coroner sat with lips pursed , staring down at the empty platters and dishes as if wishing the food he had devoured would magically reappear .
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