Example sentences of "[noun pl] can [verb] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In writing the why-dun-it you will need to draw characters of varying depth so that your readers can share with you the delights of analysis .
2 Luggage is delivered within five minutes , pets can travel with you , and many weird and odd-sized pieces of impedimenta are carried without complaint .
3 Prescriptions are a series of meaningless squiggles to most people , but Vivienne Parry explains why they 're so important and how pharmacists can help with your general health problems
4 The permutations can run with your imagination .
5 Similarly , many hawks can hover with their heads almost motionless on the most windy and blustery of days .
6 It is important to note that any of these items can occur with anybody , en when there is no addictive disease , and that some people may even eve experienced several of them over the years .
7 Making a will which includes the necessary additional rights for executors can help ensure that as much as possible of your estate goes where you direct and that your executors can deal with your estate economically and efficiently .
8 without protest from a parent , without a protest from a hunter without a protest from er a anyone else , that is a shame , because I tell you what , if you go drag hunting , you can keep the jobs the people are still going to have to shoe the horses traders and people like that are still going to have to produce the carriages to take the horses with them and the only people job jobs are in jeopardy are not the kennel staff it 's the terrier men and to be quite honest , ladies and gentlemen , it 's the terrier men who have actually ruined your sport , cos of what they get up to in nineteen ninety three is a disgust and at the end of the day your P R has been absolutely wrong and I hope this afternoon that Conservatives and Liberals can join with us and I 've got to thank a certain Liberal because he 's he 's put his head on the block on several occasions on this when we stood on the platform as individuals , not as politicians , as individuals on this and I think that this afternoon we 've got a way forward , we can say to the hunt , come and talk you change , we 'll give you access .
9 Psychoanalysts suggest that men 's gender identity is very fragile because , within typical child-rearing practices , girls can identify with their primary care-taker while boys have to separate themselves from their mother in order to achieve and assert their masculinity .
10 Girls can identify with her in a way they never could with , say , Linda Evangelista . ’
11 One red herring that has been produced by increased language awareness among teachers has been to try to rewrite academic texts so that pupils can cope with them .
12 Humans can act with my puppets , ’ said Uncle Philip .
13 But tipping waste into landfills or incinerators is not the worst thing that polluters can do with their rubbish .
14 For example , the European network Eurostep transmits training programmes by satellite but students can interact with what they see by asking questions or raising points for discussion using a voice telephone link to the studio from which the programme is being transmitted .
15 right , now if you want to understand how to tie down , you just need to look at one or two tied in lines , and then you can , you can add , oh you can add your main lines what I 'm trying to say is , when it comes to , when it comes to , when it comes to , when it comes to selling , there 's a lot more than just what might you 've got , right , see I mean , I see for instance , you 've probably , you probably do n't , you probably do n't , you probably do n't go along right quite often right , people will buy what products can do with them , they do n't buy the products , are you with me ?
16 We must use every opportunity to present our skills effectively in our expanded marketplace and convey to customers that GROVE PROJECTS can work with them to create cost-effective facilities which will improve efficiencies , lower costs and ad value .
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