Example sentences of "[noun pl] will [verb] you [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 When she did breathe ‘ cancer ’ , in her muffled contralto , the implications were of something exceedingly unfortunate with a strong hint of divine retribution , more often than not accompanied by a sharp , righteous , ‘ be sure your sins will find you out . ’
2 The shower will stop automatically and warm air blowers will dry you off .
3 Boats will take you up and down the river , stopping off at Kew Gardens , Richmond and its beautiful park and Greenwich Observatory and park , and the National Maritime Museum .
4 Predictions from these tables will let you down once or twice a year when a session of light wind invades for a few days .
5 Being inconsiderate to the doctor and other patients will get you off on a bad footing .
6 Two uniformed girls will bow you in and another two will bow you out .
7 The two volumes with their half a million definitions will set you back £120 — but will reveal the secrets of a wobbly — a fit of panic , a cereologist — one who studies crop circles and a guppie — a green yuppie .
8 Taking controlled deep breaths will calm you down and get you into a more relaxed rhythm rather than a state of uncontrolled panic .
9 Think of it as an investment that your tips will pay you back . ’
10 MLA locksmiths will get you back in with minimum disruption .
11 Most sailing courses can provide buoyancy aids and waterproof clothing , while a pair of trainers and shorts will get you by with a borrowed lifejacket while crewing in the summer .
12 Even your first flight could end up with a field landing and , if the wheel brake lever is not in the usual position for you , your habits will catch you out as you claw for the non-existent lever in panic .
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