Example sentences of "[noun pl] as we [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 We sang and drummed our way to Al Ain in an explosion of sound which riveted cars as we passed them .
2 These are not violin sonatas as we know them , rather sonatas for piano with violin accompaniment .
3 Whether or not schools as we know them will exist in the future is uncertain but we can be sure that there will be information and that its importance will grow in social and economic terms .
4 It therefore bears scant resemblance to human relationships as we know them .
5 For it is Jesus as he was remembered and his words as we have them which have played the part which they have in western culture .
6 The timetable has been organised in such a way that the divisions in the debate — knives as we call them — fall in places that allow the most time in debate to be given to the most contentious issues .
7 In this last section we highlight some important research areas as we see them .
8 What is indubitable is that they are used of effects , that they can not be used of unnecessitated events , and hence that effects as we understand them are not unnecessitated events .
9 However , there seems to be very strong reason indeed to think that there can not be an acceptable account of effects as we conceive them which does not include necessitation .
10 But if I was studying the daisy family here , I 'd be looking at plants from the size of daisies as we know them , to plants the size of trees .
11 He became a key figure in the early 1970s when the public employment service was modernised and Jobcentres as we know them today were first established .
12 In the first edition of this book we described at length the reactions evoked by the Report , its strengths and weaknesses as we saw them , and the developments that occurred in the year or so following the publication of Circular 11/77 .
13 The common law never developed mechanisms for appeals as we understand them today , and all appellate powers are statutory in origin .
14 The idea of Dr Bray 's libraries or something very similar , but for the use of the lay public without any missionary purpose , spread across America backed by Benjamin Franklin and was soon re-exported to England , where it formed the basis of the public libraries as we know them , first as subscription libraries , then as public libraries supported by the rates .
15 In either case , one could not have atoms as we know them .
16 There you are , three nine carat charms as we have them there now .
17 Or the pistes as we call them .
18 We perceive things as we know them to be , not necessarily as they are .
19 An Atari spokesman summed it up thus : ‘ We did our best to take our lumps as we saw them . ’
20 Miss Tylee 's courtesy was unfailing — she was a neatly dressed lady who wore a velvet neckband and her ‘ pince-nez ’ or pinchers as we called them were attached to a thin gold necklet , ready to be placed at the end of her nose when she was searching for something required by her customers .
21 Little dress rings as we have them there now .
22 Cable & Wireless Plc says it does not accept those claims made against it by its local partners in Digitel Telecommunications Philippines Inc ( CI No 2,171 ) and will defend against the allegations : ‘ We have received no official notification of this claim and we do not accept the validity of the allegations as we understand them from the press , and would expect to defend our position robustly , ’ it said ; Reuter reports from Manila that the local Cable & Wireless office says that it advised the company last September that it could not invest further in the country until a court case involving another local affiliate , Eastern Telecommunications Philippines Inc , was resolved — Eastern is locked in a legal battle with Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co and appealing a Supreme Court order denying it the right to operate an international gateway ; an industry source said Digitel is tapping another major local partner and British Telecommunications Plc as new shareholders in the company .
23 We were able to draw down sums as we needed them .
24 As no vocal chords as we know them are to be found in the larynx , the sounds emitted probably come from the lips of the larynx .
25 Will it be the organised medical practitioners as we know them today or those who are practising in the area ?
26 The structure and patterns of spoken language are distinct from those of writing : it is rare , for example , for a speaker continuously to use complete sentences as we understand them in writing — particularly in a situation where interruption is both accepted and expected .
27 Well I I want to have a big picture of England on the wall on which I can start to tick off bits as we get them .
28 Jukeboxes as we know them today first showed up in the 1940s .
29 Basically everything we all agree at the Institute the question of improving the lot of the Third World is the responsibility of Third Worlders , and in fact a number of us would add that in very many cases , certainly not in all , it would not be achieved through slow incremental technical change , but would require in some cases very major social structural changes that in some cases erm will only be brought about very major social upheaval erm and there all we can do is add to perhaps the element of increasing consciousness and awareness of the problems , which furthermore is a two way street , I mean when we have this study activities we learn as much from the people who attend the seminars as we tell them .
30 The terms are of no great importance , and do little more than mark what is the incontrovertible fact of the duality within conscious episodes as we recall them .
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