Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [pers pn] [is] for " in BNC.

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1 Nor can potential school achievement or social competence be directly linked to levels of sight : pupils with little or no sight have shown that they can achieve well in school , be independent and happy , since the interaction of the child and the learning environment is as significant for them in helping to achieve these goals as it is for any pupil in school .
2 We thus tend to think of ourselves as machines , and when things go wrong treatment is organized along similar lines as it is for our machines — servicing , repairing and patching as dictated by the appearance of aches , pains and loss of function .
3 It 's as difficult for the stewards as it is for us , ’ he said .
4 If it is any consolation , the whole question of arrangement seems just as much a problem for people with enviably rare and valuable collections as it is for those with hardly enough to call a collection of anything .
5 In their original context both stories had a different significance , but it was as impossible for fourteenth century Christians to experience the Christian revelation in the same way as the first Christians as it is for us today .
6 Each one should be cleaned , inside and out — it is just as effective for those hard-to-reach molars as it is for front teeth .
7 Waiting lists are known to be an inaccurate indicator of need , as many doctors do not refer patients if they know the wait will be long ( this is as true for instance for hearing aids as it is for hip replacements ) .
8 It will be impractical to fix a levy that is as fair for the three million owners of normal-speed machines as it is for future owners of half-speed machines .
9 The process is much more serious for primitive society , however , for getting older in this sort of world is not just a question of securing certain basic legal rights as it is for us , but is fundamentally concerned with acquiring prestige .
10 ‘ I give my personal guarantee that this production of Swan Lake will be as magical for children as it is for adults , ’ he wrote .
11 Maybe this annual event will become as well known for rare and fine records as it is for books .
12 Is the appeal of physics the same for women as it is for men ?
13 This discovery did not prove to be particularly useful because the metabolite is a mycotoxin and mildly carcinogenic , illustrating that toxicological testing is just as important for natural products as it is for synthetic chemicals .
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