Example sentences of "[noun pl] had been make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , examination of the microstructure of the metal at a convenient break provided conclusive proof that the stands had been made by casting : the structure is typical of a cast bronze , with 15 per cent lead in the alloy ( fig. 511c ) .
2 By the time of Johnson 's accession , the second generation West Indians ' enthusiasm for sport was beginning to germinate and , by the end of the decade , decisive steps had been made in both athletics and soccer .
3 When the King 's Declarations were finally published , Richard Baxter was pleasantly surprised to find that some important concessions had been made to his position .
4 Last-minute concessions had been made to disaffected groups to win their support .
5 This policy posed a general problem for the National WEA , which lacked a clear view on its partnership with other providers , and was an especially acute one for the District where important concessions had been made in earlier years to the Cambridge Board .
6 The Green Paper showed that ten declarations had been made by the Certification Officer upholding complaints , but in no case had the complainant then sought an enforcement order from the
7 The raid by the RUC 's C13 anti-racketeering squad last week is understood to have been mounted following a complaint by a businessman that money demands had been made on him .
8 Since the beginning of the war demands had been made for the internment of naturalized aliens , and a spy mania developed .
9 It also , of course , raised expectations which demanded a fast reaction , so a system which demanded confirmation that responses had been made by partners or managers to issues or weaknesses which were identified was developed .
10 The Employment Service chief executive , Mike Fogden , in a letter to the Borders MP Sir David Steel , accepted errors had been made in the case of the Laidlaw & Fairgrieve workers .
11 Opening the eighth session of the People 's Assembly on Sept. 19 , Chissano reported that official visits had been made to Algeria , Ghana , Libya , Portugal , Rwanda , Spain , Switzerland , Uganda , the United Kingdom and the United States .
12 Mr Sinclair said the gun had only been fired once , but two entry wounds had been made in Mr Jowett 's back because the the bullet had parted with its jacket .
13 By 1889 , DWEC boasted that more than 12,600 wagons had been made on the site , and 30 new ones were being turned out each week .
14 Councillor Mrs Brereton stated that planting of trees and bulbs and tidying up of paths had been carried out in Bloomiehall Park b ) the Railway Inn would be closing on the expiry of its lease and c ) further planning applications had been made by Lorimer House .
15 He told his wife ( and himself ) that he was going to meet Adam in order to break the news gently to him that these awful discoveries had been made at Wyvis Hall and that foul play might have taken place while he , Adam , was actually its owner .
16 Ever since the summer of the previous year , many horrifying discoveries had been made in the Thames near London .
17 The seat in question had already been reallocated from the PSOE to the United Left ( IU ) in a recount on Nov. 11 , and appeals had been made to the Constitutional Court against the Murcia court 's decision of Dec. 1 to hold fresh elections .
18 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
19 Over many years considerable advances had been made in urban environmental quality through better housing , lessening of overcrowding and provision of open space : but national medical standards had not risen accordingly .
20 ‘ The Prince did not care what promises had been made to the Englishman ; forcing Sharpe to dance would demonstrate to the Rifleman that the Prince commanded this headquarters .
21 Sources close to the meeting of G7 senior government ministers , who had invited the deputy prime minister , Boris Fyodorov , as a last-minute guest , said they had laid the groundwork for fresh aid but no promises had been made over cash .
22 Fearing criticism if their bulk supply costs were better known ( unsustainable assertions on off-peak generating costs had been made to the Ministry ) , they felt that the less guidance they got in tariff making from the Authority 's bulk supply tariff the better .
23 ( 2 ) A taxing officer taxing a bill of costs in accordance with a direction under paragraph ( 1 ) shall have the same powers , and the same fee shall be payable in connection with the taxation , as if an order for taxation of the costs had been made by the court .
24 And in some cases , most strikingly in Normandy , the landed gains of castellans had been made at the expense of the comital demesne .
25 Minor changes had been made following criticism by Archbishop Mario Conti , that some of the language was difficult .
26 In insisting that no changes had been made to the original plan , his team was being economical with the truth .
27 What changes had been made by the act ?
28 Having reassured herself that , so far as could reasonably be expected , no changes had been made in the house , Elisabeth embarked on a tour of the garden .
29 Although the system of relief under the Poor Law had changed when the Boards of Guardians were disbanded in 1929 and changes had been made in the unemployment insurance scheme , the principle of not allowing unemployment benefit to exceed a man 's wages was by no means abandoned .
30 Q Some time ago , I read that changes had been made in what ERNIE pays out each month .
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