Example sentences of "[noun pl] had been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , examination of the microstructure of the metal at a convenient break provided conclusive proof that the stands had been made by casting : the structure is typical of a cast bronze , with 15 per cent lead in the alloy ( fig. 511c ) .
2 The crowd in the stands had been roused to fever pitch by the drama of the finish and the almost unbelievable manner in which Dawn Run had come through to win , and now complete mayhem broke out .
3 His pace quickened as the accents changed ; City gents in long black coats and bowlers gave way to professional men in dark suits and trilbies , to be taken over by rough lads in ill-fitting clothes and caps , until Charlie finally arrived in the East End , where even the boaters had been abandoned by those under thirty .
4 Instrument zu singen gesetzt ( Königsberg , 1638–50 ) which enjoyed enormous popularity ; by 1652 the first five Teile had reached their third or fourth editions and a number of separate songs had been republished in other people 's miscellanies .
5 An indictment , issued by a Californian grand jury on Feb. 23 and kept secret until after the arrests , stated that payment for the krytrons had been authorized by the Iraqi embassy in London .
6 Last night Hampshire police confirmed that two fans had been charged with public order offences .
7 The Dean crowd and their successors had been smoking as a regular habit ten years earlier but only now , at the height of the Vietnam crisis , when the futility of the war was beginning to dawn with the return of disillusioned young soldiers prepared at last to tell the truth , were drugs beginning to appear on the American campus scene and in London streets in any volume .
8 A belief in Chinese superiority stemming from a closer approximation to the natural order of the cosmos governed China 's relations with neighbouring peoples , which over centuries had been conducted on a tributary basis .
9 Several ornaments from a displayed collection of unpleasant little figurines had been swept off a small table .
10 In an incubator a brown-gold boy , naked and perfect except that both his legs had been broken during his birth , and were now suspended from a delicately constructed pulley and weight inside his perspex container .
11 WHAT rampant sexism for a reader to say that Fiona Armstrong 's legs had been wasted behind the newsreaders ’ desk .
12 Human beings he found , yet again , were not nearly so interesting as animals and besides , his bare legs had been stung by the nettles that grew thickly round the boathouse .
13 There were strong regional differences ( with the south being the least tolerant region ) after individual social and economic characteristics had been taken into account , however , and those regional differences did not decline over the period .
14 But Labour 's Shadow Foreign Secretary Jack Cunningham slammed the claim as ‘ hogwash , ’ saying the Lib Dems had been conned by the government .
15 He wrote to Hanns about the time when wigs had been needed for Dulcie 's ballet Fête galante , and one of the part-time dancers in the Ballet Club , a hairdresser by trade , offered to make them , from papier-mâché .
16 There were 180,000 guestworkers in East Germany including 40,000 Vietnamese as well as Mozambicans and Cubans ; 40,000 North Koreans had been recalled by their government when demonstrations threatened the old regime .
17 Although the wording indicates that this had given rise to " considerable discussion " , implying that these methods had been questioned by some present , and the phrase " it was unwise to make any further interpretation " implies that those methods should not be spelled out too explicitly , the clear conclusion of the conference was that the policy being followed by 5 Corps should be given full backing .
18 what methods had been used in the review ;
19 The relevant considerations had been stated in Flemming ( 1973 ) 57 Cr.App.R. 524 , Bell ( 1989 ) 11 Cr.App.R .
20 BR 's project manager , Kenneth McKay , acknowledged that financial considerations had been taken into account .
21 Health Secretary William Waldegrave told an NHS managers ' conference in London that in January long term waiting lists had been cut by thirty percent .
22 But Mr Foster said yesterday he knew of situations in other parts of the country where waiting lists had been reduced by unacceptable tactics .
23 But Mr Stewart maintained the fault was with the plane and wrong signals had been sent to the flightdeck .
24 She was obviously taking a risk as the up passenger train was almost due and up main signals had been switched to off .
25 Despite the government 's resolution of Aug. 11 to pay up to 12,000 roubles per tonne for standard quality grain in an attempt to persuade producers to sell to the state , only a quarter of the target figure for state reserves had been delivered by mid-August .
26 A set of old , wooden steps had been cut into one side .
27 By the time of Johnson 's accession , the second generation West Indians ' enthusiasm for sport was beginning to germinate and , by the end of the decade , decisive steps had been made in both athletics and soccer .
28 Similar steps had been taken on May 31 by France and were taken on June 6 by Italy , while the Belgian government warned against eating British beef and set up a health inquiry .
29 Some serious steps had been taken towards that outburst of anticlericalism and , in particular , antipapalism which marked the later fourteenth century : suspicions had been raised about the church 's landed wealth and envy of it had been fanned ; resentment against the papacy — by the clergy as well as by the laity — was growing ; above all parliament was providing an assembly where hostility could be orchestrated , diffused and preserved .
30 Ludendorff has widely been given sole credit for the great German victory at Tannenberg , but before he and Hindenburg had even arrived at their new post imaginative steps had been taken by Colonel Max Hoffmann , Deputy Chief of Operations of the Eighth Army , which made that victory possible .
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